Fall at Hopeall Falls

water fall in newfoundlandHere is Hopeall Falls – one of my favourite places to bring the dogs and to recommend to our guests.  It takes a short 20 minute hike along the river and through the woods to get it,  and it’s spectacular in all regards.

Thanks to our friend Paul Seymour for sharing these pictures that captured the Falls perfectly this fall.  What a place to go and reflect while having a picnic.  It is beautiful all year long and a world class experience. All right here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway!newfoundland

Whale-ish Wednesday

whale offshore in NewfoundlandThe pictures are a little grainy (whoops!), but here’s a whale feeding about 100 feet from the shore in front of our house. One of the joys of living here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, and right on the ocean (all the guests in our ‘Berry’ themed Whiteway cottages had the same, unobstructed view of the big guy). I’ll tell you what – no matter how many times you see a whale from your back porch, it never gets old!whale in newfoundland

Tuesday’s with Murphy: Snugglin’

cozy goldens in newfoundlandWhen they say ‘it’s a dog’s life,’ they mean that as a good thing, right? Because for Friday and me, it’s a dog’s life, and it’s spectacular. We get tired, we get the two-leggeds to fetch out blankets, and we cuddle up. Two big goldens together can generate quite a lot of heat – important now that things are getting cooler (nay, Christmas-y!) here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway!

So yes, cuddling is a key factor in enjoying the cottages, especially now. So that’s why we’ve asked The Berry to offer our guests complimentary breakfast baskets for all two night bookings this November. It makes sleeping in so much easier. Learn more about them here!

Congratulations, Alicia and Kyle

Couple getting married at The Doctor's HouseNot sure if I can add much to this picture besides – WOW. Congratulations to Alicia and Kyle, who tied the knot with us last summer. Alicia was kind enough to share some of her favourite photos, and favourites they are indeed. This is a truly lovely couple, and we feel honoured to have played a small part in their lifelong journey.

And I don’t think a breeze coming off the ocean has ever looked so pretty! To see more photos of this gorgeous couple and gorgeous wedding, make sure you’re following us over on Facebook and Instagram!

Yes Sir

Shag Rock viewYes sir. We live in quite the place here in Newfoundland. And especially in the Wonderful World of Whiteway. Even when it’s rough (literally or figuratively), it’s smooth sailing, with views like this. Here’s hoping you have as much to be grateful for on this Sunday as The Berry and I do. God bless.

Health Kick

healthy lunchI’m on another health kick, folks. My daughters can probably give you a more accurate number of how many of these I’ve been on (let’s just say it’s lots). But I’m committed to this one, as I’m getting older and have to be more conscious of this stuff. This is what my typical lunch looks like. And even though it’s a Saturday, I’m not going to turn it into a cheat. Well, maybe only a little!

A Few Spots Left at $129!

Gates at The Doctor's HouseThis way to Special Savings! Here’s your reminder that we have a few discounted rooms left this weekend at The Doctor’s House.

All rooms tonight, tomorrow and Sunday night are currently being offered at $129 (plus tax). And of course, Dining at The Doctor’s House is going strong, and our Avenda spa is open as well. So this is a great opportunity to take in a relaxing, luxurious weekend before the craziness of the holidays sets in!

You can make your reservation online here (make sure to select the ‘Last Minute Special’), by calling 582.2754 or emailing info@doctorshousenewfoundland.com.  And thanks again to John of Ocean Quest Adventure Tours for the great shot!

Special Savings This Weekend at The Doctor’s House

promotion at The Doctor's HouseMaybe you’ve heard that we’ve got special savings coming up this weekend at The Doctor’s House.  With only three more weekends until we close for the season, now’s your chance to enjoy a special evening with a special someone at a very special rate. Available November 13, 14 and 15 only, we’re going to be offering all available rooms for $129 plus tax. Breakfast is included!

This special is offered first come, first serve, and there are only a few spots left. So please don’t hesitate to contact us at 709-588-2026 or info@doctorshousenewfoundland.com to book yours now!

Tempest in Remembrance

ocean in NewfoundlandNow there is a tempest! I snapped this shot this weekend, and quickly headed back indoors! Makes me wonder what it is like on the high seas and all those fisherman lost in the storms over the years.  Let us pray for all those who have gone before us and who still brave the waters.

My father served in the Navy in World War II. I’m sure we’ll all be taking a moment to remember all our heroes today.

Pony Play

Ponies at The Doctor's HouseNo doubt one of our favourite parts of The Doctor’s House – and our guests’ favourite parts, too – is our sweet bevy of ponies, Newfoundland or otherwise. And this weekend was especially fun for that reason.  We had some special guests who joined us, and got in some fantastic pony play.

Cassie’s family used to own Ginger, and you can tell the love and bonding is still there. She also sold us a saddle, and this weekend, showed Laurelyn how to saddle Ginger up and ride her.

I’ve learned that all horses have their own personality and rider requirements.  Monty was a bit testy but they got a few rides from him, as well. All in all, a fun time with fun people and fun creatures!