Crisp Fall Day

Fall at the doctor's houseA crisp fall day calls for a crisp fall photo, doesn’t it? Thanks to our neighbour, Paul Seymour, who often takes lovely photos and often shares them with us, for passing this one along. We love the way the red leaves match the red roof, and how bright all the colours look against the blue sky.

We’ve been busy this week, enjoying some corporate events, like yesterday’s Food Tourism Seminar, sponsored LCEN, ACOA and the NL Tourism. It was a lot of work but a lot of fun, and we hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as we loved having them.

A Congratulations Are in Order!

Couple gets engaged at our Newfoundland spaHere’s Danielle and Justin, an incredibly sweet couple who recently got engaged at The Doctor’s House – and we couldn’t be happier for them! We’re always thrilled when we’re included in such special moments (and check out that ring!). We wish Danielle and Justin all the happiness in the world and the best of luck on their journey to marriage – and we hope to see them again soon! (And, did you see that ring!).

Thanks to Danielle for sharing her beautiful photos and story – we love getting feedback! Here’s what she told us on our Facebook page: “Was so happy with our stay the other night. what an amazing place, great animals who you can tell are so very loved, such cheery friendly people, and great food. But the lasting memory will always be getting engaged in your barn !! thanks for everything.”

To which we say a hearty thank you, and a hearty you’re welcome, too!

Happy Birthday Berry!

Painting of the Doctor's HouseYesterday was The Berry’s birthday, so Happy Birthday to her! Laurelyn is the mastermind of just about everything that goes on around here, and we couldn’t do any of it without her. Her birthday gift from Clifford George was this beautiful painting of The Doctor’s House, which she adores. You might remember that Cliff painted this at our recent Alice’s Tea Party. We can’t wait to find the perfect place to hang it.

Fall Rainbow

Tree at The Doctor's House It’s been windy here lately, but the leaves are holding tight. We’re enjoying the fall rainbow, with deep beautiful colours ranging from burgundy to red to gold to yellow to green.  It’s a time of celebration – and not only because today is Laurelyn’s birthday. We have a fun evening planned, of course, and will surely make time to enjoy a quiet sunset, too. We love this magical place.

Fall Colours

fall at the doctor's houseThe fall rainbow is on.  The colours are radiant here in Newfoundland, like nowhere else I have ever seen.  They’re not just colourful – they’re fluorescent and iridescent – it is marvelous  here this time of year.  We just try to hang on as long as we can, dreading the coming of winter but loving its harbinger.

Autumn Love

Fall bushes at the doctor's houseSummer gets all the glory, and certainly there’s nothing like our lush, green gardens all a-bloom. But there’s nothing like the deep fall colours springing to life either. And we’ve just extended our Ladies Retreat Weekend Special through November – meaning, if you’re looking for a restorative getaway this Fall, this is where you want to be.

Chef Chafe: Hard to Forget

article about the doctor's houseWe work hard for all our guests, of course, and try to meet as many as we can. Some we get to spend more time with, and they leave an impression. Janice Neider is one such guest. An intrepid traveller and food writer, we loved getting to hear all her stories, and tell her those of The Doctor’s House, too – it was a memorable visi last summer.

And judging by her recent beautiful article, Chef Chafe made quite the impression on Janice as well. In appears in the recent Luxe Beat Magazine, and it’s a great read – even if we are a little biased. Janice interviewed Chris, and you’ll learn a little more about his journey to becoming the up and coming culinary star that he is. Bon reading!

A Walk to Hopeall Falls

Walking to Hopeall FallsWalking to Hopeall FallsWe recently went for a walk to the wonderful Hopeall Falls, just minutes from here.  The trail is a part of Crout’s Way – the same one John Guy used to travel from Cupids when trading with the Beothucks. According to Gerald Smith, who helped rebuild it, it’s the oldest documented trail in North America – and it ends right in front of The Doctor’s House. It’s special ground, and beautiful, too – and something The Berry and I (not to mention Murphy and Friday!) enjoy whenever we get the chance.

New Fall Menu

Capture‘King of Cod’ Chris Chafe has done it again – this time perhaps even out-doing himself. Here’s his newly created Fall menu for Dining at The Doctor’s House. I guess Laurelyn and I will just HAVE to try out each one of these combinations! If you’re equally tempted, please remember that we serve dinner Wednesday through Saturdays, to both guests at our inn and the general public – we just ask that you make a reservation first. And you can do just that my calling 582-2754 or emailing Bon appetit!

Apples, Anyone?

apples at our newfoundland resort inn and spaTo say we have lots of apples at The Doctor’s House is an understatement! Fall is proving to be quite lovely here, just as lush and vibrant as the summer. Only now, with more fruits! We’re happy that people have been taking advantage of our Autumn Specials – who says the only time to travel in Newfoundland is the summer?

Apples at the doctor's house