The Great Escape

Newfoundland ponies at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaTalk about a comedy of errors – especially for someone like Jerry who is mildly afraid of horses! A few evenings ago he was working reception at The Doctor’s House, when through our glass door he saw blurred images moving past quickly.  Knowing they couldn’t be human, he ran and opened the door – to see our 4 ponies and Eweness the Sheep on the gallivant.  They’d found a hole in the fence and taken full advantage.

The Berry was away, and Perry, our caretaker, was unreachable – so it was up to Jerry, slightly (just slightly!) afraid, to figure out how to get our animals, now on the loose, back to the safety of the barn.

So he got some apples and a bucket and went looking for the beasts. He found them in the furthest field from the barn, all smiles, munching on the fresh green grass and enjoying the sweet taste of freedom.

Shaking, a little, bucket in hand, Jerry approached Monty – the leader of the pack.  As Monty munched on his first piece, Jerry put on his rein, held the old bucket in front of his nose, and led him easily (with heart pounding) back to the barn. To his relief, the others followed their leader neatly behind him.

Back at the barn, Jerry released the horses to look for the hole in the fence.  He found it quickly, but not before the four ponies took off in full stride again, down the field and out through the hole, back to where he had last found them – laughing at him all the way.

So Jerry fixed the fence and started after them again.  Thankfully, by this point, The Berry had returned, so she much more confidently led them back to the barn.

Here is the picture we took the morning after the Great Escape.  The animals are clearly not as happy to have given up their freedom – but they are much safer now that their little adventure is over. And, it’s not like we don’t make sure they get plenty of exercise! Newfoundland ponies at our Newfoundland resort inn and spa

Like Icebergs?

Iceberg at our ocean front cottages in NewfoundlandThen you’ll love the Wonderful World of Whiteway! Thankfully, our cottages, both in Whiteway and Heart’s Delight, are right on the ocean. Meaning, your back window is better than tv, now that bergs are back! You might spot a whale or two, too. And lots of seabirds. There’s nothing like being right water – don’t settle for anything less! And thanks to Stephen Jones for the beautiful photo.

A Room with a View

View from our Newfoundland cottage rentalsRecently, because of a conference and full house at The Doctor’s House, Laurelyn and I were ‘forced’ to spend a night at The Puffin. It was the best exile you could hope for! With some wine, some marshmallows for roasting, and lots of coffee on hand for the morning, we absolutely loved the break in this little cabin by the sea. Especially with some ice bergs in the harbour.  If only we could exiled more often!

Monday Morning Moose

Moose at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaWe woke up a few mornings ago to this friendly visitor, right outside our patio door – Hello! She was no more than three feet away – close enough to touch.  By the time we got our camera – of course – she had moved on a bit.  She nonchalantly strolled down to The Doctor’s House without a care in the world, other than a ‘what are you doing on my property’ look on her face.  She seemed seemed grateful that we’re growing all this grass for her – we think she’ll be back!Moose at our Newfoundland resort inn and spa

Gorgeous Green’s Harbour

Sun setting in rural Newfoundland at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaLast Sunday we shared a picture of the sun setting in Green’s Harbour, and it’s such a beautiful sight out here we had to share one again. The Berry and I have recently moved to The Doctor’s Study, a sweet little home at The Doctor’s House, for the remainder of the summer. We’re less than a 5 minute drive from the cottages (making weekend trips to the Shag It easy!), and we’re enjoying the new surroundings – although we do miss being right on the ocean’s edge, of course. These sunsets though, prove that wherever you are in the province, you’re in for a treat at dusk!

Through the Trees

Inn and Spa in Rural NewfoundlandWe often feature photos taken by professional Newfoundland artists here on the blog, to help us showcase the beauty of this province – and the talent of our people. I’m no photographer, but these shot of The Doctor’s House is pretty artistic, right? Taken by yours truly! Although, it’s probably hard to NOT take a beautiful shot out here on the Baccalieu Trail, right?

Information & Networking Reception

Networking reception for Newfoundland female entrepreneurs 2014We’re excited that the Shag It will be hosting a Networking Reception this coming Monday, in partnership with NLOWE, the Newfoundland & Labrador Organization of Women Entrepreneurs (of which The Berry is a happy member). From 2-4pm on June 2, come on down to learn how this great organization can help you start or grow your business and achieve business success. We’ll be serving refreshments – and the event is free, you just need to register.

We’re doubly excited because this event will also be the book launch for Phyllis Reardon’s new book, Heal Yourself. Phyllis is a local Whiteway-enthusiast and loves the Shag It, and we’re delighted to help spread the word about her great new project. And we hope to see you Monday!

Special Visitors

Nest at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaNow that The Berry and I have been staying at The Doctor’s Study, a little home on the grounds at The Doctor’s House, we have some new friends – like the beautiful robin who visits us each morning. We now know why she’s such an ardent visitor – she has a sweet little nest to tend to! It’s out on our balcony, so we’re blessed to watch this little family grow right outside our window. And, we now have to keep Friday and and Murphy off the balcony! Property at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaStay tuned – if we’re able to get some pictures of the chicks, we’ll surely share!

Goat Park!

Goat at our Newfoundland cottagesPerry, our Groundskeeper at The Doctor’s House, came up with a great idea to build a Goat Park for Rosie and Eweness.  Rosie is playful and energetic, but we can’t let her roam because she tries to head off-property, and she could also hurt herself on some of our vegetation.

So we’ve setup this big rock to start the park, right across from the duck pond.  We’re going to fence it in and add lots for them to jump up on and over. Rosie and Eweness are about to be the luckiest bovines around!Goat at our Newfoundland resort inn and spa

Getting Better, Inside and Out

Construction project in rural NewfoundlandEach day we’re that little bit closer to our first wedding season at The Doctor’s House, but, thankfully, each day we’re a little bit closer to finishing the Big Barn, or big construction project, too. We have a great team, and they’re doing a great job. We can’t wait to see the finished results, and we know our lovely brides and grooms feel the same way!Construction project in rural Newfoundland