Great Shot

sunsetHere’s another great shot from Dave, a friend and guest who stayed with us this past summer. It’s a view I never tire of, not tire of sharing on the blog. Especially when photographers with skills far greater than mine capture beautiful moments like this. Happy Sunday!

Fresh Picked

Straight from The Doctor's House GardenHere’s a photo that our amazing Executive Chef Stephen Pynn recently shared, of a morning’s yield about to become an evening’s masterpiece. My guess is he used these for his Braised Beef Shortrib, which incorporates potato puree and glazed carrots (and is delicious, by the way), but I’m not the expert. What I do know is that we’re having a lot of fun as we work in our greenhouses towards becoming a farm-to-table restaurant – and some mighty tasty meals in the process. Remember that our multicourse gourmet dinner is included in our fall packages this year, and find our complete menu here.

Remember a Date Night to Remember!

A Date Night To Remember at The Doctor's HouseI feel like I’ve been remiss in my blogging duties, because I’m not sure if I’ve yet shared our latest fall specials at The Doctor’s House. But never fear – fall specials are here!

We’re most excited about ‘A Date Night to Remember,’ which is a beautiful way for couples to reconnect, surrounded by both natural beauty – our 100 acres – and man-made – our Tudor Inn, plus our fabulous gourmet dining and spa treatments.

Romance is really what The Doctor’s House is all about, so ‘A Date Night to Remember’ is the perfect opportunity to enjoy our property with a loved one this fall. It includes breakfast for 2, gourmet dinner for two, and 1 night in the Inn. To learn more, please see here, and make a reservation by emailing info@doctorshousenewfoundland. Time to open your eyes and say ‘ahhhh!’

Congrats, Courtney and Curtis!

wedding at the doctor's houseBoy, do we love the couples that entrust us with their special days. And boy, do we love it when we get to see the photos after.

Here’s Courtney and Curtis, who started a new chapter of their lives this past summer. They were a lovely couple – and as you can see, quite photogenic, as well! These photos come to us from the talented Shayla M. Brown Photography. You can see more photos of their fun, gorgeous day here.

So congrats one again to this new husband and wife team, and best wishes for a long, healthy and happy life together!wedding at the doctor's house wedding at the doctor's house wedding at the doctor's house

Don’t Forget – Special Pricing This Friday at The Doctor’s House

Girls night pictureIn case you missed it, I’m helping spread about the word about the upcoming Girls Night Out for the Ronald McDonald House. It’s going to be a fun gala, right here at The Doctor’s House, for a great cause. It’s being run by some great people, who tell us there’s only 5 tickets left. Email us at if you’d like to purchase some.

To encourage our guests to really make the most of their evening (and not worry about a DD!), we thought it would be fun to offer special pricing on our rooms. So, if you come to the girls night this Friday and would like to stay with us for a discount, please get in touch!

And what’s girls night without a spa treatment? At least, that’s what The Berry tells me! We’re offering discounts on treatments before and after this event, too. So again, if you’d like to help out a good cause while also pampering yourself a little (win-win!), this is your opportunity!

Thankful For Family Visits

Family visiting us at ocean delightIf you know me, you know nothing is more important to me that family. Which is why it was so nice to see Lindsay have some CFAs (that’s come-from-aways!) up for a visit. Her mom, Jackie, and her aunts, Tonya and Shirley, all came to the Wonderful World of Whiteway, and it was a lovely thing to see. I’m sure she wishes they could be with us all the time.

So, on this day after a day of thanks, I hope you’re able to hold your loved ones close, whether in person or in spirit, and be grateful for the blessings all around us! mother and daughter in newfoundland family in newfoundland

Oh So Thankful

Shag RockA small blogging break to celebrate this day of celebrating. But not without posting one thing for which I’m always, supremely, completely and eternally grateful for – the beautiful sun setting over Shag Rock. Have a beautiful Thanksgiving, all, be safe, and hold your loved one close.

Eagle Eyes

Eagle in NewfoundlandPiercing, isn’t it? Even when they’re high in the trees, you can tell how closely eagles are watching you, with that singular stare of theirs. This shot was taken by a colleague, Dave, who stayed with us this summer. And in the summer, there are so many eagles around, perhaps one of our bird-namesaked cottages should be ‘The Eagle.’ Beautiful birds, and I’m always happy to see one. And always happy to share here on the blog!

Time to ‘Ahhh’ – New Wellness Weekend at The Doctor’s House

The Doctor's House TrailsAhhhh …. we have big plans coming up this fall. Yesteday, we unveiled plans for our first Just Breathe Wellness Retreat, a women’s weekend featuring simple pleasures and grounding activities at The Doctor’s House. Coming up this November, it will be an opportunity for our guests to step back from the can-do-must-do cycle that makes up so much of our day-to-day. And an opportunity to reconnect with nature, maybe with their girlfriends, and definitely with themselves.

We’ve got 4 great guides lined up, to lead activities – Phyllis Reardon (aka Coach Phyllis), local yogi and resident fairy, Lisa Day, holistic consultant, Erika Pardy, and the incomparable Clifford George.

And activities will all be enjoyed on our gorgeous property, which you’ll also be welcome to explore. All meals will also be included.

To find all the details, including pricing, please visit our new website: Just Breathe Wellness Retreat. And to learn more or make a reservation, contact We do have limited spacing, of course, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Remembering Gerry

artistLike so many in the community and across the province, Laurelyn and I were very saddened to learn of the passing of Newfoundland artist, Gerry Squires. Our thoughts and prayers have been with his family and friends in this very difficult time.

One of those good friends is Clifford George. Clifford wrote this poem in his memory, and he gave us permission to share it here.

Renaissance Man

 Yes I can hear and feel your soul as you lie there.  I can see and hear the land wash of Exploits Island from the space you now occupy.

The roaming black faced sheep of Exploits and smoke of the old salt box chimneys linger in the sky.

Your deep-rooted boyhood memories brought you back to this land that you have conquered with brush, pencil and paint.

 Old sage, old Emperor of the Newfoundland renaissance we pay tribute to your stillness, your Newfoundland.These photos were taken by Margaret Ayad at an artist’s retreat at The Doctor’s House last fall. It was truly our honour to have Gerry join us then, and we will cherish the memory.