Look Aft and Learn at the Wooden Boat Museum

We’ve always encouraged guests to check out the nearby Wooden Boat Museum, where visitors can learn about the history of the wooden boat in Newfoundland, and, if they attend one of their great, hands-on workshops, can actually learn to build them themselves. So Laurelyn and Lisa were happy to go out to spend the day with Bev and Jennifer of the museum to start talking about some summer plans. The museum opens in June, and they have workshops every Saturday starting in July – I just might have to attend one so I can share it on the blog!

The exhibits at this museum are beautiful, and its really a must-see for anyone interested in learning more about Newfoundland history and culture. They’ve recently updated their website, and we love what they offer tourists on the Baccalieu Trail. Their motto is “Look Aft and Learn.” To ‘look aft,’ on the water is to look behind you. I love their simple message that we need to understand our past and our traditions, and that we can actually transmit those traditions and skills, as a living testament, learning the ways of our forefathers. If you share this passion, their Gala & Fundraising Auction is quickly approaching, this May 3.

And if you’re interested in ancient seafaring ways, I recommend Danny O’Flaherty’s blog on the currach, about the ancient boats of Ireland. I’m not a historian, but given our connection to Ireland, I wonder if our boats are derived from the currach. I guess I’ll have to visit the museum again to find out!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Give Me a Break!

Whoops – Joe Friday caught me sleeping on the job! Things are so busy around here, with everyone working overtime to get a new cafe and gift shop up and running before tourist season. Honestly, I don’t know how Joe, Jerry and The Berry do it – I’ve never seen them napping on the job, but sometimes I just have to take a load off, even if I am the Project Manager. Anyway, check out below some of the progress they’ve already made on the inside – I can’t wait til it’s open and I get to entertain guests! And hopefully we’ll be getting some more four-leggeds around here now that our Spring Special lets Pets Stay Free.

A Day by the Ocean, Pony-Style

As I often do, I have Clifford and Shirley to thank for these beautiful pictures and the beautiful scene they capture – with Newfoundland ponies grazing by the ocean, it is truly a scene from yesteryear. They’ve captured a beautiful moment in these pictures, with a fantastic setting wrapped in nostalgia and familiarity. They capture the spirit of Newfoundland and Labrador, of the Newfoundland pony, of living around the bay, of Whiteway, of a time gone, of blessed moments still shining through the present.

Our guests are often pleasantly surprised by how close we are to our animal friends out here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway. Which is why our current Spring Special is our favourite special we’ve run yet – pets stay free and get their own welcome basket on arrival. Too fun!

Sunset Sunday: See It to Believe It

A camera just cannot capture the beauty of this place, but I still try. But it is one thing to see a picture of it, it is something totally different to experience the awe of it. That is why if you come out, you have to keep coming back. Our repeaters and referrals are growing all the time – have a look on Trip Advisor. I was the same way – one visit to the Wonderful World of Whiteway, and I was hooked!


Bud’s Home: Harcourt, Newfoundland

Our blog is a little Whiteway-centric I admit, but we love promoting all things Newfoundland. So when resident photographer/friend/genius Bud Vincent sent me these pictures of his hometown with a description to match, I knew I had to share. Bud also loves promoting all things, what he lovingly calls, ‘beyond the overpass.’ And now, if you notice on our Things to Do page, we’ve added a link to service that lets you figure out driving distances and times between Newfoundland communities – maybe a trip to Harcourt is in your future!

Bud’s thoughts on Harcourt: “From time to time, a number of people have asked: “Where do you live”?..Many folks have never heard of the place..Yes, we are located on the map….We live in Harcourt, TB.  It is located 22kms from Clarenville, TB.  Just opposite Random Island and sitting on the shores of beautiful Smith Sound.

It is Not a big town, as a matter of fact there are about 70 odd families living here..No street lights, one general store and no gas station…Yes, “in da slow lane”…But, does that bother us..Not in the least….we love it…..”

Looks simply stunning – I can’t wait to visit!

Shag It Continues!

A few weeks ago I shared with you some of our most exciting news for the summer – that we’d building a new cafe and gift shop, affectionately (and tentatively) to be called ‘Shag It’ . Construction’s begun, the town is on board, and we’re looking forward to adding our own ‘must-see’ stamp on the Baccalieu Trail. We can’t wait to offer our guests, neighbours, and passers-by a fun place to relax and unwind, with high quality nosh and stunning local art and crafts on sale. We’ve already got a lot stuff – display cases, coolers, back bar, windows, ceiling tiles, sink and more. The Berry’s convinced it’s going to be a winner, and I have to agree!

You can check out our floor plan here – and here’s some progress shots. Mike and Erik have been laying the floor extension – and look at the progress they’ve made in a few short days!

In the Beginning:

Soon After:

Stay tuned for more progress, and we’ll let you know when we’re about to open – we might even have some specials to tell you about! I’ll also be blogging about a special purchase bought for the cafe soon. In the meantime, don’t forget that we have some Spring specials underway, perfect for the golf and pet lovers in your life. Onward!

Spot’s Day in the Sun (literally!)

Yesterday we sent out a mailout explaining our Spring Specials, and I just had to share this shot Joe Friday sent me. All Spring, pets stay free here at the cottages, and they get a doggie treats basket on check-in. Joe was tasked with coming up with the contents of the basket, and this is what he came up with. I know he did a good job, because I could tell that after his sniffing inspection, Murphy wanted to take this home with him!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Handsome in Long Point Cove

I try not to get a swelled head but it is difficult when Jerry is always telling everyone I’m the most handsome dog in the world! Thankfully, because of my fur, you can’t see me blush!

And isn’t Long Point Cove stunning? I love taking walks here. Jerry and The Berry are running a special all Spring – four leggeds stay free, and I’m hoping there will be some new friends in my future for me to play with in the Atlantic!

Who is Your Guardian Angel?

When I was a little altar boy, we learned in religion class that God assigned everyone their very own special guardian angel to watch and protect them. It was always such a comfort to know that whether you were lost, or wrongly punished, or in danger, you could always count on your guardian angel to get you through your most difficult times. And your angel was always there to talk to when you needed it.

As I got older, and especially after he left, I realized that my guardian angel was hidden in the body of a human – my brother Jack. After he passed, I was indeed lost and grieved his loss. Time went by and the grief lessened. Then I came out to the Wonderful World of Whiteway and my guardian angel reappeared in my new and dear friend, Alf Harnum. Did Jack arrange it? Is it fate? Is it God? I don’t know, but what I do know is that the comfort that comes from having a guardian angel is back. Alf has helped me in so many ways of the past year, but most importantly, his sweet and steady friendship, and knowing his lovely family, is what I cherish most.

So when my daughter Emily came home, even though our time was brief (does time with family who live away ever feel anything but brief?), she had to meet Alf. She walked away with her hands full of fresh-caught fish, and happy to know that such a family has taken me under their wings. We’re truly blessed.