Budding Saturday: Allison George’s The Three Sheds

It’s stunning pictures like this that make me glad I’ve designated Saturday’s to showcase Newfoundland artists and their work. This piece was taken by our friend, the lovely and very talented Allison George. Here’s what she has to say about this piece:

“The morning I saw The Three Sheds being erected in the community of Cavendish, my head nearly hit the roof of my car with excitement. That is probably my most famous shot of all…It was published in the Canadian Photographers Association magazine. I waited for months for that right day.”

Thanks again to Allison for sharing. If you have any great Newfoundland shots, are an artist looking to showcase your work or know one that would, please contact us. We’d love to have you on our blog!

Unfriendly Visitor

Here’s some nature photography at its finest, captured by our neighbour, Shirley George, in her own backyard. Yes, that’s a bird at their bird-feeder, but he’s not there for seed. He’s a sparrow hawk, hoping to find some unwitting birdies eating their breakfast. The nerve!

One of the things I love most about Whiteway and the cottages, though, is the amount of up close and personal encounters we have with birds of prey and all sorts of wild animals. I can almost guarantee if you stay with us, you’ll see something cool!

Family Business

So, these two fine gentlemen, I am happy to say, are my brother Joe Friday (who needs no introduction) and my nephew, Mark, a very successful realtor (whose services I can happily vouch for!). Joe has been looking after things while we’re on vacation – and doing such a good job and so much work that he’s going to need his own, well-deserved break when we get back. Guests always enjoy him, but seems like he’s going above and beyond.

Look what Mark had to say on our Facebook page: “Had a great Friday night in the Partridgeberry Cottage! Arrived to a welcome basket, filled with wine and treats & breakfast delivered to the door in the morning! Talk about the Royal Treatment! Special shout out to Joe Friday! Thanks for the trip to the stables & introducing us to Monty & Sonny, the goat! Great fun! The only draw back was having only one night but we are already planning a return trip to your awesome cottages with the great views! Looking forward to more exploring and checking out the WWW! … Joe Friday is an absolutely fantastic Host! He certainly can’t do enough for you! He definitely made our stay even more enjoyable! He is also a great Tour Guide! Yes, Joe Friday definitely knows how to make everything 1st class, all the way! He sure helped make our night perfect and we can’t thank him enough! Can’t wait to return!”

And his equally successful girlfriend, Krissy Holmes, also chimed in: “Thank you for the awesome night, we really enjoyed our time there. The snowy landscape was beautiful, a true winter wonderland, especially nice with the fireplace to come home to.”

So there you have it, folks. I’ve got some wonderful cottages, but also a wonderful family to share them with, and a wonderful brother who can step in (and go beyond) when needed!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Sweet Surrender (at last!)

Well, it’s official – if Canada needs a new peace diplomat, they need to chose Joe Friday. Slowly but surely, he and I have been able to wear down the defenses of the of hostile army … I mean, hostile cat, Molly. It’s been an arduous journey since we first met and she first hissed, but with continuing effots, I’ve won her over to my side – quite literally! Now we cuddle, nose to nose, every day. She’s just what I needed to get through February!

Hang Ten

I am a big believer – and living proof – that old dogs can learn new tricks. Here I am at 62, hitting the waves, an intrepid Beach Boy, excited and a little scared, happy that I finally learned to swim when my daughter’s needed pool buddies. Our vacation has been quite the adventure so far, first in Costa Rica, now Belize.

It’s been so fun, but it is but a side trip to my life’s adventure – the latest being Ocean Delight (such a great name for it, by the way). I realize I am an explorer, a dreamer, a hard worker, but, above all, an adventurer. The Berry and I are on a wonderful one! A real life journey that dwarfs any planned trip to any jungle of any kind anywhere.

I encourage you to figure out what your ‘surfing’ is – something you’ve always wanted to try, or never dreamed you even have the opportunity to – and go for it. Sure, a Caribbean vacation is a nice place to start, but I guarantee you can find adventure in your backyard. Maybe it’s taking a yoga class, hitting up a sushi restaurant, going wall climbing, finally hiking Signal Hill, learning how to make your own homemade jam. Whatever’s been on your to-do list forever …. well ….. do it! I promise – you won’t regret it!


Budding Saturday: Allison George

In an effort to showcase this beautiful province, I’ve asked for submissions of beautiful photography to share on Saturdays. Usually that means work by our friend, Bud Vincent, but recently another friend, Allison George, answered the call. And boy, oh, boy, are we glad she did. She sent us a batch of her work that we’ll certainly be sharing with you, but this one of sweet Sunny (whom you may recognize from this blog!) was what kicked off her photography passion, so we think it’s a fitting way to kick off her series on the blog. I rave often about how gifted Newfoundland artists are – but clearly gifted isn’t the word! Anyway, read Allison’s description of this picture, below, and remember that if you are an artist or simply have some beautiful pictures to share, we’d love to give you a shout out!

From Allison:

“I started taking photos (only as a hoot) for a local photo contest at my place of work about 8 years ago. My very first photo I have ever taken as a “photographer” and the one closet to my heart is the one of my goat standing in my mother’s garden. My Sunny the goat garden photo is my trademark logo.”

Happy Valentine’s

Happy Valentine’s to all our dear friends and readers, and my wish for you is that you get to spend the day with someone as wonderful as this woman. We’re lucky to be in the tropics, but more lucky to be here together. And don’t forget we have some last minute gift options if you need them! When she sees them, she won’t be upset you waited!