Out to Sea

Boating on the Atlantic Ocean in Newfoundland

We got a chance to go out on the bay on The Awake at Last – we have to grab these moments when they come. It was a beautiful evening and we cruised and pulled in to a quiet cove for a mug up (a.k.a. a picnic). It was splendid. We even got a few scuffs in listening to the Irish Descendants!

The fishing season opens on Saturday, so we should get a bit of time to enjoy that, too, especially since my youngest daughter will be here for a visit. Here’s hoping!Boating on the Atlantic Ocean in NewfoundlandBoating on the Atlantic Ocean in Newfoundland

Maiden Voyage

Diving for mussels on the Atlantic Ocean in Newfoundland

Life is different out on the water! We took Boston Whaler, the A Wake at Last, out for the first spin of the season the other day. The engine worked like a charm – what a comfort to go out on the water and be ‘pretty’ sure you won’t have to call someone to tow you back.

Then we met up with Andy and Uncle Jay from Cavendish, who were diving for muscles. They gave us a tub full of them. They were the freshest muscles I’d ever seen and they were sweet when we ate them an hour later. All in all, it was a great start to the boating season.Fresh Mussels caught off the coast of Newfoundland


The Official Naming

Posing by our Boston Whaler at our Newfoundland cottagesHere we are officially christening our Boston Whaler, the A Wake at Last. We had lots of amazing boat rides on her last year, and are looking forward to another summer of the same. The weather was beautiful this weekend and we were thrilled to have her out (more pics of that to come!). Anchors up!Christening our Boston Whaler in Newfoundland

Ready and Waiting

Boston Schooner ready for the Atlantic Ocean in NewfoundlandIf you follow the blog, you know there’s been lots of projects underway. I’m excited about them all, but perhaps none as much as getting this beauty sea worthy. Taking out our beautiful Boston Whaler, the A Wake at Last, was one of the highlights of last summer. God willing we’ll get lots of enjoyment – and catch lots of fish – out of it this year, too.

Whale in Trinity Bay

A big thanks to my lawyer, Steve Marshall, for these pictures. I would have loved to have seen this first-hand! But I’m grateful he sent me the pictures, and excited that this whale was playing in Trinity Bay – maybe I’ll see him next year on the A Wake at Last!

For a little more info on these photos, here’s what Steve wrote me: “Photographer was Leslie (Hutton) Martin who was aboard Terry Daley’s and Rosemary Buckingham’s Lady Nora this past August. We were cruising from Trinity to Pope’s Harbour when we came upon the whales….we stayed there for over an hour…..” Lucky sighting and great shots!

A Garage at Last

A man’s work is never done – that’s the expression right?? Anyway, this weekend brought along the final A Wake at Last project of the year – building a 13X40 garage to store her (our Boston Whaler) over the winter. Thankfully, we had Murphy to keep us company! Some uncooperative weather meant it’s not yet completely finished – but it will be before next weekend!

And speaking of uncooperative weather – I have one daughter in the path of Sandy, and two daughters in British Columbia, which experienced a 7.7 quake over the weekend (thankfully, no where near them). Talk about having to spend a lot of time in prayer!

And finally, a bit of housekeeping if you will: if you enjoy this reading my posts, I’d really appreciate your vote at the Canadian Blog Awards. Voting is simple – you don’t have to register or log-in, you just have to visit this link, and at the bottom of the left-hand column, you’ll see a category called ‘Best Business or Professional Life Blog.’ Expand that, and you’ll find humble little Jerry by the Sea!

Working Boat

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I’ll let this beautiful and peacefully Newfoundland scene speak for itself. Well, almost – just this for a comment: one of the many things I’ve enjoyed about running this blog is exploring the art of taking a good photo – there’s so much more to learn than I realized! Thank you to anyone who has stuck with me through all the blurry shots (and I’m sure there will be more!). I really appreciate everyone who reads my blog – I feel blessed to have this new routine of writing and taking photos and sharing life in rural Newfoundland. It’s definitely an added bonus to life out here.

Reel Fun

It only ended in September, but already I’m nostalgic for the food fishery. It’s always fun to take families out on the A Wake at Last, but throwing in some fishing poles really creates a magical experience.

So we were really happy to take out Fonda, her son, Henry, and her mom, Lynn. Fonda is a talented graphic designer and friend – she has done work with The Berry, and she did our new branding. We were so happy that they enjoyed their stay in The Partridgeberry, loving their weekend and their view and, especially, the fishing. Lynn caught the biggest fish of the day, and Henry helped reel it in. And I’m sure all helped to eat it!

Age Before Beauty

Here’s my beautiful, ugly sculpin, caught last weekend (thanks to LeighAnne for the great shots!). We used to catch these for fun when we were kids playing on the cliffs of Torbay. I used to consider them ugly but now think they are quite gorgeous. One of the benefits of aging!

To the Rescue (finally!)

As much as I am a reformed townie and have jumped into life out here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, my lack of marine experience can make me stand out like a sore thumb amongst all these experienced seamen. I couldn’t make the A Wake at Last functional without lots of help, and have even been stranded two miles out to sea in her – we had to get a tow from Alf that day. So it was nice to be able to return the favour, by pulling in some people who had been fishing and had their engine break. It felt good to finally be needed and able to help!