Happy Boxing Day

Happy Boxing Day from Ocean Delight CottagesHappy Boxing Day! Our American readers may not be familiar with this holiday, but for us, it perfectly rounds out the trifecta of Christmas. Christmas Eve, you’re excited to celebrate. Christmas Day, you celebrate. And Boxing Day, you reflect on your celebrations. While you eat leftover turkey, of course! We hope everyone loved every minute of their Christmas, and will have a safe day visiting their families and examining each other’s loot. Relax and enjoy!

Relax this Boxing Day

Golden retriever enjoys our newfoundland resort and spa

It’s Boxing Day, and Friday is encouraging us all to relax (like he is) and smell the Christmas dinner leftovers. We’re spending Christmas with our family – and many animals – at The Doctor’s House. One word describes it – divine. Here’s our most sincere wishes that yours is, too. And since it’s not too late to consider New Year’s plans, we’d love it if you considered spending it with us.