Joe Friday Friday

Chances are, if you’ve been to Ocean Delight, you’ve met my brother and fellow Whiteway newbie-turned-devotee, Joe, aka Joe Friday. When we bought these cottages, we were quite ‘green’ to the industry and didn’t know how much work was entailed – and knowing what we know now, there’s no way we could have gotten through this summer without his help.

Like me, Joe left Torbay as a young man looking for something new, and found it as a bartender in Nova Scotia. Also like me, 40 years later, he found himself in Whiteway and knew his life was about to change.  He came out to help me paint a cottage and I couldn’t get him to leave. He fell in love with the community and the people and the lifestyle, as everyone is wont to do when they discover the magic of the place (or when the Wizard of Shag Rock casts his spell over them).

He stayed with us in empty cottages until more guests started arriving with the warmer weather, and we needed a better solution. He found the perfect one – a cottage just up the road which we call Joe Friday’s Cottage on Joe Friday’s Beach. Then after performing his first screech-in, our guest Geoff gave him the jacket you see above. It’s so cool, you have to call him ‘Joe Merlot.’

And ‘Joe Merlot’ is particularly fitting, as he now makes wine in the winery we set up in the basement of The Gannet.  Joe Merlot intends to expand the winery to make beer. Do I see a Joe Labatt coming? I don’t know how many Joe’s there will be here in the future, but there’s one thing for sure – Ocean Delight sure has one Joe Cool.

We love having him around. Whether he’s Joe Byrne, Joe Friday, Joe Merlot, Joe Labatt, or Joe Cool, we love all of them and don’t care which one it is – as long as we still get plain, ol’ Joe! And thanks, Joe, for all that you do – you’ve made life out here even better, and that’s hard to do!

Early Icebergs?

According to The Telegram, some icebergs have already been sighted just north of St. John’s, making for an early start to the season. To which I say: Bring It On! I’ve been anxiously awaiting the summer now that we (and all our guests) have front row seats to all the ocean’s creatures – whales, sea birds, and yes, icebergs.

These pictures are a few years old and taken just outside St. John’s – still very cool, but all I can show you until I take some in Whiteway (stay tuned). That handsome (???) man in the bottom picture is my brother, Ron. He’ll be spending some time visiting us this summer – something else to look forward to.

Jack Loved Spring; I Love Spring

Spring is sprung
Da grass is riz
I wonder where them boidies iz
Da little boids is on da wing
Ain’t dat absoid
Da little wings is on da boid
By: well-known poet Anonymous

This is a song that my beloved (which is too weak a word to describe how loved and admired he truly was) brother, Jack, used to sing all the time. It is especially poignant now in the first days of Spring. I always liked it. Jack loved the woods and the outdoors and angling for salmon – a true Newfoundlander. This great and natural picture of him is one of my favourites, and one of the ways I like to remember him.

He always was and still is my GPS – only the signal comes from a different satellite these days.

Catch a Wave

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Joe and I are turning Trinity Bay into the next surfing capital. All you need is gale force winds, boxer shorts and toilet seat covers, and suddenly our coast looks just like California’s!

(Note, we don’t reccomend this to the non-crazed – those waves could be dangerous!)

Byrne Up on the Beach

In Newfoundland, we like to have what we call boil-ups on the beach, cooking fish and anything else good. Well, today, my brother, Joe, and I had a ‘Byrne up’ on the beach before the weather turned bad. Similar to a boil up, except we skipped the fish and went right to the Bud Light – can you blame us?

That’s Joe in the first picture (and Shag Rock in the background). Some people think that of all my brothers (and I’ve got plenty), we look the most alike. All I know is he has been a huge help these past few weeks, staying at the cottages while we had to go back in town, and painting and redecorating like a madman. If you come to stay at our cottages and love them (I think you will), then you’ll likely have Joe to thank for that!