Surfing in New Melbourne

If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it! Turns out New Melbourne, less than hour away from the cottages, is the surfing capital of Atlantic Canada. Now, you may remember that Joe Friday and I boldly took to the seas last winter (don’t forget, there’s video!), but this is just a little more professional!

When we got there, we were amazed to see someone surfing in Newfoundland in November. But there he was, in all his glory, riding some the nicest waves I have seen – and I have travelled up the down the east and west coast of North America and been to many beaches all over the world. Little did I know we had some of the best in our backyard? Wow!

Finally, thanks to Alan for the pictures. If you remember yesterday’s post, he was brought to Ocean Delight as a surprise. And finally, I’ll be posting about this more soon, but a big thank you to all who voted for me for the TopBlog award – I made it to the final round, and am a bit embarrassed to have to ask you to vote again! Thankfully, it’s easy – no log-in or registration needed. Just head to this link, find the category on the bottom left called Best Professional or Business Blog, and vote for humble little Jerry by the Sea! Thank you!

Tuesdays with Murphy: More Puppy Love

Another great thing about my new life at the cottages: there’s no shortage of lady four-leggeds making visits! This weekend, Annie brought out her humans, Alan and Susan, for a romantic surprise weekend (I think Jerry plans on blogging about them!). The humans were nice, but it was their guardian I was more concerned with!

We played and swam and talked to each other every chance we got. And although she can run faster than me, she is no match for me in the water. I guess that’s because I get so much practice, what with Jerry and The Berry needing me to fetch things in the Atlantic each day. Anyway, you know the drill – I let her beat me a few times. That’s the only way to be a gentleman!

Spring of the Year?????

I went out to the garden this weekend and there it was – a rose in full bloom in November! Then I went to the front deck and there he was – a blue jay in full bloom in November! WOW in WWW – again! The wonders of this place never end.

We’ve learned that when they were trying to find out where they were going to put the golf course in Trinity Bay, they studied the weather patterns for the last 50 years for ten towns in the area. Turns out that Whiteway won, hands down. It has a unique micro-climate with the best weather in the bay. Proof that I’m not just blowing smoke when I say that it truly is special out here! And I’ll take roses and blue jays in November any day!

Reel Fun

It only ended in September, but already I’m nostalgic for the food fishery. It’s always fun to take families out on the A Wake at Last, but throwing in some fishing poles really creates a magical experience.

So we were really happy to take out Fonda, her son, Henry, and her mom, Lynn. Fonda is a talented graphic designer and friend – she has done work with The Berry, and she did our new branding. We were so happy that they enjoyed their stay in The Partridgeberry, loving their weekend and their view and, especially, the fishing. Lynn caught the biggest fish of the day, and Henry helped reel it in. And I’m sure all helped to eat it!

Tuesdays with Murphy: First Mate Murphy

I don’t know what Jerry and The Berry did before I came to Ocean Delight Cottages. Who took them for walks, who kept their feet warm at night, who kept Jerry company while he writes on his computer early in the morning? And, most importantly, who was the First Mate of the A Wake at Last?

Regardless, I’m happy to assume all these duties, even if I haven’t quite mastered my sea legs yet. I certainly enjoyed the food fishery, when Jerry was out fishing and needed someone to clean and lick all the fish that came aboard. Maybe by the time it rolls around next year, I’ll be promoted from First Mate to Captain!

Family Brunch (and Then Some!)

What a soul-lifting treat last weekend turned out to be. This table was set for a sunny brunch. The setting was perfect, and our company even more so – so much so, in fact, that ‘brunch’ turned into lingering over drinks and coffee and conversation all afternoon (while I should have been working!), and then a salmon barbque for supper while we watched the sunset and enjoyed drinks long into the night. In fact, I think this ‘brunch’ turned out to be over 12 hours long!The reason we lingered so long was the company. Now, when we have guests stay with us at the cottages, for all intents and purposes they become my ‘family’ while they’re here, and I try to treat them as such. So when the guests are actual family, well, you know how that goes! Of course Joe Friday’s my brother and he’s always here, but added to the mix were our niece Lisa, and her friend, Bill (dubbed The Most Handsome Man on the Planet), and our sister Maureen and her husband Pat.

It was a great night. We all stayed up past our bedtimes, and by the end of night were all noisily arguing politics – that’s almost the law when you’re part of a big Irish Catholic family! Of course, I have to make sure that I’m the on the opposing side of everyone else – I love the challenge! Our parents would have been proud!Overall, it was the perfect day, followed by the perfect evening, followed by the perfect night, with perfect company! Thanks, guys, for coming and spending the weekend with us!

A Year on a Whim

What a difference a year makes! This weekend was the 1 year anniversary of whenThe Berry and I first came together to Ocean Delight, these stunningly beautiful ocean-front cabin rentals.

The Berry had already been and wanted to bring me back. She wanted to come for a weekend, but I love St. John’s and was able to negotiate coming for just one night. But the Wizard of Shag Rock (or Shagarella, his bride – a.k.a. Lisa Day) cast a spell on us, and we learned the previous owners were planning to sell. On a whim, we put together a business plan that would forever change out lives.

We abandoned other careers, moved in together and moved out here to the Wonderful World of Whiteway. We have worked like Murphy’s (Murphy’s our new dog by the way!) and it is only the beginning. We have made new and wonderful friends, and we love them and we love it here. Life is like a Disney ride and I don’t want to get off!

My body is full of bruises from all the physical work (and I never bruise), but I am healthier by 20 years. Strong, healthy and free – is there anything else to ask for?

So to celebrate we planned a romantic night in our boat under a crescent moon – anchored and floating away on A Wake at Last, rocked to sleep by the Atlantic Ocean. Gear stored, engines set, we set our coarse for Bay Bulls Island and headed out to sea. But the excitement was soon swamped when both engines dies about two miles past Shag Rock (obviously we had done something to upset the Wizard!).

It was Alf and Hilda who came to the rescue – Hilda telling us that the Awake at Last must have gone back to sleep. They towed us back to the safety of the shore – a little disappointed but happy to have such wonderful friends.

Naturally inclined to make lemonade out of lemons, we lit a fire on the beach, roasted marshmallows and wieners with friends Alf and Hilda, Lisa and Randy, and Joe Friday, told a few “boating and captain” jokes and shared stories over wine and starlight. And sweet Murphy got a night in heaven, playing in the water with lots of people to throw him sticks.

A good night and a good time, and a metaphor for our new life at these Newfoundland cottages – it doesn’t always go according to plan, but with good friends and the right attitude, you make things work. Throw a beautiful dog and Shag Rock into the mix, and you’ve got the recipe for paradise.

Christening “Awake At Last”

We Christened the “Awake at Last,” our beautiful Boston Whaler, on Father’s Day – an what a Father’s Day gift it was. We took her to Shag Rock, moored off Long Point Cove (in front of our Heart’s Delight ocean-front cabins), took some pictures, enjoyed naps and champagne, and had a great afternoon on the water. What a day, thanks to the help and kindness of Alf Harnum, our wonderful neighbour, mentor and guardian! Ahhh, a wake at last in “Awake at Last!” Now we can’t wait for the Canada Day long weekend (check the Current Specials to learn about our Weekend Special so you can join us) to take this baby out and really celebrate!

A New Dawn


I am here in my heart’s delight (near Heart’s Delight) in WWW – the Wonderful World of Whiteway. After almost 62 years chasing my dreams, I have settled here in rural Newfoundland – what we Newfoundlanders call ‘around the bay.’ I have changed career paths many times, and I’ve had a magnificent journey. I have made lots of mistakes, but have got a few things right, too. I’m confidant these new ocean-front cottages with my partner, Laurelyn, will be one of the ‘rights.’

Now that I have a new home overlooking the sea, and a little (but not a lot!) more time to reflect, I’m inclined to sit with my coffee and write. I want to share what this new beautiful life in Trinity Bay is teaching me.

So I thought I could start a blog. Yes, a blog! One based on my many years of education, employment, fatherhood, and now, most importantly, as a Happy Inn Keeper promoting all that Newfoundland has to offer – I always knew this island was unique, and now I want to share that passion.

So, please stay tuned as I nurture this new career and these new cottages and explore the Wonderful World of Whiteway.