Cliff MacGeorge

 Newfoundland artist clifford george

Although you might recognize this handsome devil, for now lets call him Cliff MacGeorge! A renowned artist, community leader, local historian and all around great guy who also doesn’t take himself too seriously? Sounds like our kind of guy!

Happy Friday, everyone. Please stay tuned as we’ll have some exciting things lined up as the summer starts, and we’ll be sharing them on the blog.  And have a great weekend!

Yummy Toutons

Toutons, traditional Newfoundland food

Lisa has been at a workshop the past few days (more on that later), and I just had to share this picture. These are toutens, a traditional Newfoundland dish that is simple and delicious (and healthy, let’s pretend), that all visitors should try when they’re here. It sounds simple enough, but toutens are dough traditionally fried in fat-back pork (although oil and butter is often used now). Barry Parsons at Rock Recipes has a nice description of them, and when he says their “virtues are universally enjoyed by all who have known it,” he’s right!

I like my toutens with molasses (most of us do), but looks like Lisa’s were paired with a nice berry sauce. I’d take it! And if you’re interested in making your own, here’s a recipe. Please let me know in the comments – where’s the best place to get toutens? Do you make your own?

Tuesdays with Murphy: So Many Hikes, So Little Time

Hiking in Newfoundland Canada

Jerry and The Berry have been so busy with the opening of The Doctor’s House, that they barely know if they’re coming or going. Lucky for Jerry, I always make I take him on at least one nice long walk a day – his body needs the exercise, and his brain needs the break!

Thankfully there’s no shortage of great walking trails around the Wonderful World of Whiteway. This one is one of my favorites – Crout’s Way (if you’re at the cottages, ask one of the two-leggeds and they can point you to it). The trail is a bit overgrown at points, but it’s a fun walk and ends at a really cool waterfall – perfect for picnics. And don’t think Goldens don’t appreciate a good view!

Pets still stay free at the cottages for the next little while, so I’m really hoping for a few friends to come join me – I’d love to show them some of the local trails! Boundless energy that he has, Jerry just can’t keep up with me, so at forks in the road I always have to wait for him to catch up. I love Jerry, but I’d love it even more to have a walking partner who could keep up with me!Hiking in Newfoundland with a golden retriever

Some Roses for You

Rose Trees in Newfoundlnad

Here are some of the 40 large Newfoundland rose bushes we’re collecting from neighbours who wanted nothing for them other than to see them grow where they would be appreciated – so we moved them to the cottages. They really help with our ongoing landscaping efforts. Greed does not thrive around the bay. These roses were given freely, and we are so grateful. No doubt, life around the bay in Newfoundland is just a little bit different. We have found, “it is one for all and all for one all.” That’s why we love it here.

Sunset Sunday: Joe’s View

View of the Sunset in Whiteway, Newfoundland

Where would I be without Joe Friday? Well for one, I wouldn’t have this awesome shot of the sun setting over Shag Rock! We’re all busy revving up for the summer season, and it’s moments like this, in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, that make it all worth it.

Get Golfing at Pitcher’s Pond

Pitcher's Pond Golf Course in Newfoundland

I generally try to keep my blog a space to share life in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, instead of as a chance to promote the cottages (although I can’t control what Murphy does – that dog has a mind of his own!). I love writing my blog for the pure sake of writing. But when Laurelyn told me we’re extending our golf packages, I wanted to share. Pitcher’s Pond is minutes away from the cottages, and it’s a stunning 9-hole course overlooking Trinity Bay and beautiful Pitcher’s Pond. And the next 4 people to book rooms at the cottages for this June will get a golf pass good for the entire year. Four!Pitcher's Pond Golf Course - one of the newest in Newfoundland

Pitcher's Pond Golf Course in Newfoundland

Tuesdays with Murphy: And the Work Goes On….

Building a new cafe in Whiteway, NewfoundlandWorking on a new cafe on the Avalon PeninsulaBuilding a new cafe in NewfoundlandConstruction in Newfoundland

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times – a four legged’s work is never done. Jerry, The Berry and their fantastic crew of Eric, Michael, Hubert, Leslie, Mike and Roy, think they’re busy – which they are, building us a new cafe and gift shop (!) and preparing The Doctor’s House for our fast approaching open date (!). But they forget – it’s so much harder to supervise! I have to many pies to keep my paws in – I barely have time to relax by the water anymore. Of course Jerry still gets my morning walk in, but I’ll sure be happy when these new projects are up and running, and I can go back to my usual role as Guest Relations Supervisor – that’s my favourite! Especially when people take advantage of pets staying free this Spring and bring me lots of friends!

Golden Retriever by the coast of Newfoundland
A Valuable Moment to Relax!


Tuesdays with Murphy: Where Would You Rather Be?

St. John’s or the  Wonderful World of Whiteway – what would you say? Here I am at my lavatory in olde St. John’s, small and enclosed with no privacy – hardly dignified. And here I am in the open country, running, hunting, retrieving and having a ball, with the biggest ‘loo a four-legged could ask for.

It’s usually great when The Berry or Jerry say, “do you want to go for a ride?”- it usually means we’re going to a new trail to explore. But when I see them packing a bag and talking about Costco, banks, meetings and the like, woe is me. I know I am on a trip to boredom.

Of course in town I live in perpetual hope, like a gambler at the Lotto machine, that we’ll go to Bowering or Pippy Park, around the pond, up Signal Hill or along the East Coast Trail. But that rarely happens, as they are always in such a hurry – so I patiently wait for the scent of the open road back home. Please hurry!

Here We Go Again (Updating the Blueberry)

Since we’re not as busy as we were in the summer season, we’ve had time to upgrade as we continue on our mission to be the best on the island. So we recently gave the Blueberry another facelift. We put laminate flooring in the bedrooms and an antique headboard in the small bedroom. The Berry found it on Kijiji and it is gorgeous. Then we put in new night tables and lamps in the big bedroom, and mounted new Tiffany lights in the ceiling. We love the results and hope that our guests will, too!


Tuesdays with Murphy: More Monty

Happy New Year, friends! I hope everyone had a safe and fun time last night and has enough coffee to get them through today! Jerry and The Berry are excited because in a little while they’ll be holding the draw for everyone who entered our New Years Giveaway – the winner will get a free stay at the cottages! I wonder who I’ll get to play with!

So you may be wondering who this sweet guy pictured is – he’s my new best friend, another four legged! With all the commotion over the holidays, you may have missed the newest addition to our Ocean Delight family – Monty! One thing’s for sure – we love him already (but being the first child of ODC, I’m not worried about losing my place!). Thanks to Tammy Webber for the beautiful picture of our beautiful pony. And expect to see lots of him in the future!