Summer Memories

Horses at our Newfoundland resort

Here is a great picture recently sent to me by Paul Davis, Minister of Child, Youth and Family services and a good friend of mine. He took it when he, his wife Cheryl and special friends came out to The Doctor’s House to celebrate his clean bill of health and victory over cancer.

Paul is a singular human being who has done a lot for individuals and the public at large. He is an important part of the Newfoundland mosaic, and it is our honour to count him a friend and to have welcomed him to our Inn.

This picture certainly reminds us of the warmth of the summer sun. Thankfully, winter is better when we’re cozy, and when Christmas is coming. We’re so excited for Christmas at The Doctor’s House this year (all of The Berry’s family is coming) and for the fun New Year’s Eve we’re starting to plan. It’ll be here before you know it.

Sunset Sunday: Peaceful

Sunset in Newfoundland

We had plans to go into St. John’s this weekend, but our work (and, our desire to spend a warm weekend at home) kept us back. Thankfully. Nothing like a sunset in Whiteway to soothe the senses, relax, and provide all the energy we need as we head to the holidays.

We’ll be at the Carboner Mall today from 12-5pm if you’re interested in a gift certificate for The Doctor’s House for your loved ones. Happy Sunday.

In Gratitude and Remembrance

Remembrance Day in Newfoundland, CanadaMany thanks to Bud Vincent, as always, for sharing this beautiful image capturing the spirit of Remembrance Day. He included these words: “On Nov 11th, all of us in this great nation of ours get the opportunity to visit our local war memorial and to give honour, praise and thanksgiving to our fallen heroes.. Please make that extra effort to attend, in respect for those who have fallen in all past wars… Yes, on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month, we shall stop, pause and REMEMBER THEM…”

Truer words were never spoken. Many have been written about these sacrifices – there is little I can add besides sharing my voice of gratitude and stopping to remember. If you’re like to a little more about some of Newfoundlanders particular experiences in WWI, my nephew and real estate agent Mark has an interesting write-up. Otherwise, please hold each other dear, and pray for peace.

Sunset Sunday: After the Storm

Sunset in Newfoundland

We’ve had some wet and wild weather lately. I love a good storm. Partly because of the calm that spreads over the land after. Like it did when I captured this picture on Friday. Lucky us in Newfoundland.

Yesterday was a good day at the opening of The Ivory Suite (we donated a door prize). We’re also enjoying ramping up our dining offerings at The Doctor’s House. And I’m sure tomorrow you’ll take a moment as I will to remember all the sacrifices of so many, and how lucky we are to live in this beautiful, free country. God bless.

Budding Saturday: Beauty Everywhere

Newfoundland photographySaturday’s I get to show off the beauty of Newfoundland, usually using the phenomenal work of phenomenal Newfoundland photographer Bud Vincent. I love the way Bud captures the beauty of scenes we often overlook or dismiss. I guess that’s what makes him so phenomenal!

Tuesdays with Murphy: This is the ‘Off’ Season???

Conference about Newfoundland travel and hospitality

Boy, am I glad I’m not Jerry or The Berry – those two work like dogs, I tell you! Thankfully, my fellow four-leggeds and I (including my new little brother, Friday, who is doing great, by the way!), get some rest here and there. But Jerry and The Berry spent all weekend at a wedding show in St. John’s (they’ve hired some consultants, are renovating our big barn and will have The Doctor’s House ready for parties of up to 200 by this summer).

I thought after all that work, they’d need a minute to rest. Not so! Now Jerry’s off to Clarenville for a conference for the Eastern Destination Management Organization. I don’t know much about EDMO, except from what I overhear. And that’s that they’ve been instrumental to our success at Ocean Delight, so for that I guess I’m grateful! I think Jerry will be talking more about their great new website, The Legendary Coast, soon!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Walking with Rosie

Golden retriever and goat

With this past busy holiday weekend at the Shag It Cafe and wedding event planning at The Doctor’s House, the two-leggeds around here think they’ve been  busy dealing with lots of changes. But it’s really the four-leggeds who’ve had the most to deal with it. I now have not one but TWO new little ones to mind and show the ropes – on top of all my Guest Relations duties.

Joe of course has his new golden retriever, named Friday – he’s sweet and smart, but it’s still going to be a lot of work for me to show him all of our Ocean Delight ways. And Rosie, well she’s a unique one. And a new partner for Jerry and me when we go on our morning walks. She must think she’s a dog, because she acts just like one.

Anyway, I don’t mind my extra charges. It’s like I always say – we four leggeds have to stick together!

Thanks to the Wonderful World of Whiteway

Beautiful day in Trinity Bay in Newfoundland, Canada

This will probably be one of the busiest Thanksgiving’s ever, thanks to the special Turkey Dinners we’ll be serving at the Shag It. But it is also a year filled with blessings and so many reasons to give thanks. The Berry and I have each other and work that we love, and beautiful families both near and far. And of course, we’ll be forever grateful for the day when we made the fateful decision to start our Ocean Delight journey.

Shag Rock still takes my breath away. When the sun sneaks up over the back country, it pours it light on it, our muse. They play with each other all day. Shag Rock is made alive by the many colours the sun paints it as it moves in and out the bay. It is constant and constantly changing. So I call this the Wonderful World of Whiteway  for a reason. If your spirit needs a lift, there is spirit-lifting magic here – and I am thankful for it everyday. And may God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving weekend.

Sunset Sunday: A Wake at Last

Boating and the sunset over the Atlantic Ocean in Newfoundland, Canada

I’ve always dreamed of having a boat and feel so blessed to have one now. Our boat honors that dream – truly, I am thrilled to have a wake at last. Especially when I can enjoy peaceful evenings with The lovely Berry on the ocean, watching the setting sun – my favourite!