Cat, Meet Blanket

cat in a blanketHere is Mimi being Mimi.  She is a wonderful and lovable cat, and we’re lucky to have her in our brood. We know she often visits our nearby cottage guests, staking out the property and keeping an eye on things. We’re lucky that she calls our home, ‘home.’

And she’s lucky that our home seems to be overflowing with warm blankets. If there’s a cat out there that can resist the pull of a cozy corner, I haven’t met it!

Desk Mate

cat at our innOne of the perks of working at The Doctor’s House is that you’ve got lots of furry coworkers! Sam snapped this pic of Halloween, clearly on a break and exhausted from all the desk work!

Halloween is one of our barn cats, only a few months old, and clearly growing quite quickly. He’s still a big baby at heart, though, always looking for attention – even if he needs to lie on a few papers to get it!

Organic Pest Control

kitten in our barnA few days ago I showed you our green solution to overgrown grass. Today it’s all about our green solution to having a property with 100 acres, including barns and farm animals. And that of course is Nature’s Best Pest Control, the cat. Or cats, I should say. We have three, still young but growing fast. And we’re all quite smitten with those kittens.

In fact our staff is so smitten that they’ve undertaken to name them all. This is Gypsy, with fur that looks like it’s been brushed in gyproc. There’s also Dr. House and Caymen (who just ‘came in’ to our family). Keep an eye out for them if you come to visit, and thanks to Tara Marie for the sweet photo!

Kittens Galore

Kittens at our resortIf you’ve been to The Doctor’s House then you’ve probably seen our beautiful kittens wandering around the property.  Our guests love them, and they are getting ever more friendly.  We’ve found a few cats to be great at keeping unwelcome visitors out of the barn … but really, we’re just cat people!

Terrie-Lynn has named the little black one Gypsy, because she thinks her fur looks like it’s covered in gyp-rock dust. We agree, so Gypsy she is!

Monkey Goes Outside

Monkey Goes OutsideIt is amazing how much animals are like humans (or humans are like animals, I’m not sure which).  Our growing kitten, Monkey, recently got her first taste of freedom, and it was fun to watch.  She’s always looked longingly at her mother when she goes out. But when the door was finally held opened for her, she needed some convincing.  First she tip-toed,  ever so gingerly, ever so slowly, to the door.  She ventured her nose outside and quickly drew it back as the breeze brushed by and frightened her.

But she put her nose out again and took in the next breeze.  She waited, and in her own time, bolted across the deck and then came back to the door as fast as she had left it.

She then ran out again, to the edge of the deck.  Then back to the window and then back in the house.  It all lasted about 30 seconds.

Finally, a little more confident, she then jumped on the ledge of our deck with a smile on her face thinking of her first excursion into the Wonderful World of Whiteway – she’s gonna make it after all.

What's Out Here?kitten in newfoundland

Tuesdays with Murphy: Sprawled Off

pets at our cottagesIt’s a dog and cat’s life, here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway. There’s always a new guest to meet, a two-legged to entertain, a few sticks to save from the waves of the Atlantic ocean. We only get 4 or 5 naps like this a day, so we have to make the most of them! Here I am with Shadow, reminding you that two pets are better than one (that’s why I hope you take advantage of our pet’s welcome policy here at the cottages and bring some friends for me to play with this summer!). And reminding Jerry and The Berry that sometimes it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie!

Throwback Thursday: Who, Me?

kitten at our cottagesHere’s Monkey when she was a wee bit smaller, pre-surgery and full of mischief. This is her best ‘who, me?’ face. She was a handful then, a handful now, and always all around lovable.

It’s funny. Before moving to the Wonderful World of Whiteway, sure, I’d been around animals, even became attached to a few. But now, I’m surrounded by the little buggers (way more four legged creatures live in my home than two legged ones!). And I couldn’t be any happier. It’s part of the reason why pets are welcome at our cottages. That, and because we know there’s nothing better for a dog owner than to be able to play fetch with Rover on our rocky beaches!

Monday Meow

Our Newfoundland catsCats love high places! And we love our cats – and already miss them! It’s funny how they weasel into your hearts – we’re in this sunny place, and every time I turn a corner, I expect a little face to be looking up at me! We’re enjoying it here so far, trying to take a few days to ourselves to detox and decompress, and then The Berry and I are very excited to start talking about plans for Spring. Stay tuned!

When a Plan Works

Cat treeA few days ago I shared my process for building our 4 cats the ultimate playground. And there they are enjoying it a few days later! As they are becoming more familiar with it, they’re becoming more adventurous, too, and and climb up as high as they can to enjoy the heat. Not a bad plan, given the winter we’ve been having!

More Cat Blogging

Cats in NewfoundlandAfter yesterday’s cat tree post, we seem to be on a cat-blogging role. Since over 30% of Internet traffic is supposedly cat-related, I guess that’s a good thing! Here’s our new kittens, Monkey and Zoe, doing exactly what kittens are supposed to do – cuddling and looking cute. They’re currently the tiniest and sweetest members of the family!