A Wise Man Indeed

Newfoundlander dressed up as a Wise Man at ChristmasI recently found this old picture sent to us last year by our good friend, Clifford George. He’s one of Newfoundland’s most respected artists, and as you can see, he doesn’t take himself too seriously, instead contributing to nearly every possibly community event with gusto. Last year, apparently, he donned the garb of a Shepherd (or is that a Wise Man?) and looked quite dapper doing so.

Those in the St. John’s area, please note that you can see an exhibit of Cliff’s work, plus that of many equally talented artists, at the Christina Parker Gallery in St. John’s from now until New Year’s. It’s sure to be a show-stopper. Learn more here.

Church Sunday, Thanks to Leonard Howlett

Local Church in Newfoundland

When we first started this blog, I’d often share pictures of local churches on Sundays. I don’t think I ever featured this one, and thankfully Leonard Howlett took these great shots on a trip out here (and got much better pictures than I would have!). It’s of the lovely United Church in lovely Cavendish.

We’d love to feature more local churches on here, so if you have one from your community, please send us an email and share!Local United Church in Newfoundland