Santa’s Coming to … the Cupids Legacy Centre!

Auction in Newfoundland

Anyone else thinking about Christmas shopping? If so, here’s an idea that’s fun AND supports the Cupids Legacy Centre, a great spot on the Baccalieu Trail which we love. They’re currently running a Christmas fundraiser, selling tickets to win the beautiful Gerald Squires painting you see above. Find more details here, and you can purchase your tickets at the Centre or from a staff member (and their email address is And let me know if you buy any tickets – good luck!

Judge Jerry

Never too old to do something new, I guess! A few weeks ago, Clifford George asked if we’d be able to fill in as judges for him at the Miss Teen Trinity-Conception Pageant held in Harbour Grace. Never one to turn down a challenge (even if this was a bit out of my wheel-house), that’s what The Berry and I found ourselves doing this weekend.  It was a contest of talent, spontaneous answers to difficult questions, volunteerism, attitude, confidence, poise, dignity and choices.

It was my first time judging anything like this, and what a challenge to choose from such a wonderful slate of caring, considerate and wonderful teenagers ranging from 14 to 17. They were all amazing! I’ve said it before on this blog – despite all the negative things you hear, I’ve always been impressed by this younger, thoughtful generation coming up.

The winner was lovely Jessie Fewer from Cupids; congratulations to her, thanks to all who were involved in the process, and a big kudos to all these young women who are bright lights in their communities. (And sorry for the picture quality – poor lighting and zoom, plus, I had to focus on my scoring!).