Picking the World’s Largest Cranberry

Moving a cottage in NewfoundlandHere we are picking up the new Cranberry up from our neighbour Craig’s house and planting it between the Blueberry and the Partridgeberry. It was The Berry’s idea to welcome this new unit to our Ocean Delight family, since the original Cranberry is being converted into a cafe and gift shop.

It was quite the feat. We had two boom trucks and a transport truck. It was tricky coordinating the trucks to be completely in sync. Gord and Martin did a fabulous job. And you should have seen John drive that truck. For video, please see here and here.

So the Cranberry  is now in its rightful place along the other Berries, thanks to The Berry and a fabulous team. We’re going to turn it into our first chalet – we can’t wait!Moving a cottage in rural NewfoundlandMoving a cottage to rural NewfoundlandCottage in Newfoundland

Tuesdays with Murphy: Summer’s Here!

Golden Retriever playing in the Atlantic Ocean at Newfoundland cottagesLots to be excited about here at the cottages (upcoming on the blog, you’ll be reading about a new cottage, some workshops, some new shenanigans from Clifford). But what I’m most excited about? The fact that the weather is starting to turn and that summer is upon us. I can’t wait for all the hikes, all the boil-ups, all the marshmallow roasts. And, most importantly, all the dips in the ocean! And pets stay free for the rest of June, so that might mean a few extra playmates for me!

Here We Go Again (Updating the Blueberry)

Since we’re not as busy as we were in the summer season, we’ve had time to upgrade as we continue on our mission to be the best on the island. So we recently gave the Blueberry another facelift. We put laminate flooring in the bedrooms and an antique headboard in the small bedroom. The Berry found it on Kijiji and it is gorgeous. Then we put in new night tables and lamps in the big bedroom, and mounted new Tiffany lights in the ceiling. We love the results and hope that our guests will, too!


Budding Saturday: Awaiting Christmas

You may remember that I’m starting a new Saturday tradition of promoting Newfoundland art on this blog. If you’re an artist or know or love one who’d like to be featured, please email us! In the meantime, I’m sharing some pictures captured by one of the best Newfoundland photographers I know – Bud Vincent. I love how he’s able to capture the beauty in all things, big or small, winter or summer. And especially Christmas!

First Real Snowfall

We have been decorating and running around taking photos after the first snow fall. Wow! It sure is gorgeous on a different level. It actually makes me appreciate winter – and that’s a very new appreciate for me! Everything crisp and pristine, everything Snow White. I’m even smiling while I shovel (for now at least!)

And my daughter came home for Christmas yesterday, so things are looking good here at Ocean Delight.

Winter’s Day

With Christmas coming and all the new snow I’m actually getting really excited for the winter. And if you know me, you know that’s something I never used to say. Winter used to be the bane of my existence. But there is nothing like a small cozy cottage, a fire, some hot chocolate (or, lets be honest, red wine) ….. and the beauty of the Wonderful World of Whiteway always shines through. Keep an eye on our Specials and Packages page – we’re already offering Buy One Night, Get One Half Up, and soon we’ll be offering a special Winter Getaway Package, too. Let it snow (let it snow, let it snow!).

Safety Tip: Don’t Let This Happen to You

We spent some of the last weekend in town, driving Joe Friday to the airport for a much-deserved vacation and to run some errands ourselves. Things were going well, until we were on our last run, coming down Blackmarsh Road, with the vibration in the rear end of the SUV getting worse. Then, suddenly, I started losing control. I jammed on the brakes and headed for the shoulder, where she went ‘kerplop.’ The wheel had come completely clear of the vehicle and was on the side of the road a hundred feet back. We were in a fix (and happy to have not ended up in a worse one!).

We sat there stunned for a minute. Call a tow truck or try to fix it? We chose the latter – I got out the jack (somehow) while The Berry searched for the lugs to put the wheel back on. Luckily, she found 3 of 5. “Guddanuf” says I.

With tremendous effort, racing heart, extreme respiration, and a few curses, we got the wheel on.

After I got my breath back, heart beat under control, and said a little prayer of gratitude for no traffic at that time in rush hour, we proceeded to Airport Heights for our last pick up. Then we went to dinner and celebrated surviving this little mishap.

And now, although ‘Safety Tips from Jerry’ sounds like a bit of an oxymoron, do what I’m doing above – make sure you’re tight before you hit the road!


We had a great hike last weekend. We went to Hopeall Falls and Backside Pond (not too far from the cottages). Murphy was bounding! He is quite amazing – spell the word “W.A.L.K.” or “H.I.K.E.” or “R.I.D.E.” and he springs into action, bouncing around on all fours like Tigger. And in the woods he is rambunctious – the complete opposite of his house life.

We were on a moose trail, and after seeing moose prints, Murphy got so excited. We ran into a moose awhile ago and he must have remembered how much fun he had chasing it away!

Then we lit a fire, boiled the kettle and put on the bacon and beans. It was simple and awesome (kind of like life in the Wonderful World of Whiteway!).


Tuesdays with Murphy: Sleeping with the Enemy

I have no idea why, but Joe Friday somehow grew wings and is flying to Halifax for a vacation. Who needs a vacation from paradise??? Anyway, while he’s gone, his little devon rex cat, Molly, will be our houseguest.

I was a little nervous about seeing Miss Molly – I met her when I first came to Ocean Delight, and she didn’t seem to like me much. I guess to something her size I seem big and scary – when Jerry and The Berry brought her home she snarled, growled, and hissed like a demon fresh out of hell. Thankfully, to know me is to love me, and my nonchalant demeanor won her over – as you can see, we’ve even taken a few close naps together. I’m a lover, not a fighter!

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

And speaking of another beautiful friendship, I love Jerry and I love his blog. If you do, too, this week is your last chance to vote for him for a TopBlog award. It’s easy to vote, no registration necessary – simply head over to this link and find his category on the bottom left, called Best Professional or Business Life Blog. I’d vote, but I think it’s only open to human citizens!