Sunset Sunday: Memories

Shag Rock in NewfoundlandAhhh, memories. We’ve been too busy with the Downhome Expo (and that’s a good thing, if a bit exhausting!) to catch any sunsets these past few days. This beautiful photo is a week or two old. But the memories, of course, last a lifetime – and sustain through days when we have less time than we’d like to stop and smell the proverbial roses!

One Month Left!

Firepit at our newfoundland cottagesNow that March is here, here’s a friendly reminder – there’s only one month left to Stay In ‘N’ Stay Warm! Stay In ‘N’ Stay Warm of course is our popular and fabulously cozy winter special, complete with movies, firewood, and a continental breakfast for two. And a later checkout makes snuggling so much easier! To learn more or make a reservation, please email And stay cozy!

We Bring the Wood!

Newfoudland winter sceneIn full disclosure, this gorgeous photo wasn’t taken at the cottages! But if you do join us this winter, rest assured that you won’t be chopping your own wood! We have two great specials on all winter long, and they both include firewood and all you need for a cozy weekend getaway. Wasn’t that New Year’s resolution about taking better care of your self and your family …. ?

Thanks to our good friend Bud Vincent, for capturing this beautiful scene, and sharing the photo with us.

Budding Saturday: Not Yet!

Skaters in NewfoundlandThanks to Bud Vincent for sharing this lovely photo with us (remember, he’s offering all his art for sale – find details here). Of course, he must have taken this photo in years past – so far, this winter has bee quite green! We’re not yet sure what the winter will bring, but we do know that with these specials The Berry dreamed up, we can guarantee one thing – yours will be quite cozy if you make a trip out to our cottages!

Whiteway Cottages Open All Winter!

Golden retriever at our Newfoundland cottagesWe’re happy to announce that our Whiteway cottages are going to be open all winter long, even The Cranberry! And we’re soon going to be unveiling some specials that will make your stay just a little bit warmer, so please stay tuned. So many tourism operators in Newfoundland shut down over the winter, so we’re happy to provide getaway space for anyone who loves to be right on the water’s edge, no matter what time of year it is. Given the number of trails around us, it’s a great time for snowshoeing, skiddoing, or taking your dogs on some enthusiastic walks!

Atlantic Ocean at our Doorstep

Back doorstep that is! And we wouldn’t have it any other way. We’ve had some high winds lately, tossing the ocean to and fro.  The water is a beautiful deep blue, and the caps are pure white.  A lovely scene! Sadly, despite the amazing weather outside, The Berry has been a little under the weather herself. We hope she recoups so we can enjoy the weekend. And we hope you have a great weekend, too!

Between Two Trees

Shag RockNo matter how you frame it, Shag Rock is always stunning and captivating, ever-present, a steady presence in our constantly changing ocean. It’s weathered innumerable ‘Gonzalos’ and will weather innumerable more. And it always makes us feel happy, whenever we see it. Come see it yourself this fall with our Couple’s Fall Getaway, a truly romantic package featuring secluded cottages, intimate dinner, and more!

Yoga Anywhere

Doing yoga in the ocean at our Newfoundland cottagesOur faerie friend Lisa Day is a yogi and often speaks about the importance of yoga for a healthful life. Well, our recent guest, Chris, has more than put that concept into perspective for us! If you can hold a pose in the very chilly Atlantic, and keep a smile on your face – then you must be doing something right. Here he is at our Long Point Cove cottages. Namaste!

Shag Rock’s Many Faces

Shag Rock on the Atlantic Ocean at our Newfoundland cottage rentalsWe never get tired of this view off our back deck (off our cottages’ back decks, too). Shag Rock is constant, yet the powerful Atlantic, and Newfoundland’s stunning sunsets, means the view is always changing. There’s definitely a metaphor for life there. Such a blessing to have lots to contemplate, a stellar view, good coffee and good company on a Sunday morning. God bless.

The Cranberry Reimagined

Construction project at our Newfoundland cottage rentalsWhen we say we have lots on the go, we mean it! Lately we’ve been working on the Cranberry, a cottage at our Whiteway location, and the construction is coming along swimmingly.  The men started by taking off the roof to begin major renovation  as we turn the Cranberry into our ‘honeymoon’ cottage.  It will have a second floor, with an A0frame pointing out the bay.  The second floor will be an all glass front with a tub looking out the bay.  We’ll have skylights to capture the storms and a fire place to give you the warmth.

So, it might not look the prettiest yet, but trust us – it’ll be worth it!Construction project at our Newfoundland cottage rentalsConstruction on our newfoundland cottage rentals