Another First: Homemade Jam!

Doubtless I am settling into the quiet life around the bay! I made my first jam last night, made fresh from the wild cranberries we caught in front of our Heart’s Delight Cottages and the pears I picked at Sobey’s supermarket. It was the second time making berry jam for The Berry (sounds cannibalistic to me!), so she led the charge. Either way, it was a labour of love and local ingredients!


Red Gold

A year ago I didn’t know that wild cranberries existed, at least not in Newfoundland. But last weekend, The Berry (so aptly named) and I picked them by the bucket-full off a trail near our Heart’s Delight cottages. We set off on our hike with a picnic basket filled with Malbec for us, treats for Murphy, and high hopes that we’d find the red gold. We picked til we couldn’t pick anymore, then we hiked along the coast; a gentle, scenic hike with wonderful waves, jagged rocks, and turquoise water. It was really beautiful.

Now we’re looking for recipes for these beauties. If you have any suggestions, please let us know!