Tuesday’s with Murphy: Snugglin’

cozy goldens in newfoundlandWhen they say ‘it’s a dog’s life,’ they mean that as a good thing, right? Because for Friday and me, it’s a dog’s life, and it’s spectacular. We get tired, we get the two-leggeds to fetch out blankets, and we cuddle up. Two big goldens together can generate quite a lot of heat – important now that things are getting cooler (nay, Christmas-y!) here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway!

So yes, cuddling is a key factor in enjoying the cottages, especially now. So that’s why we’ve asked The Berry to offer our guests complimentary breakfast baskets for all two night bookings this November. It makes sleeping in so much easier. Learn more about them here!

Cat, Meet Blanket

cat in a blanketHere is Mimi being Mimi.  She is a wonderful and lovable cat, and we’re lucky to have her in our brood. We know she often visits our nearby cottage guests, staking out the property and keeping an eye on things. We’re lucky that she calls our home, ‘home.’

And she’s lucky that our home seems to be overflowing with warm blankets. If there’s a cat out there that can resist the pull of a cozy corner, I haven’t met it!

Desk Mate

cat at our innOne of the perks of working at The Doctor’s House is that you’ve got lots of furry coworkers! Sam snapped this pic of Halloween, clearly on a break and exhausted from all the desk work!

Halloween is one of our barn cats, only a few months old, and clearly growing quite quickly. He’s still a big baby at heart, though, always looking for attention – even if he needs to lie on a few papers to get it!

Lindsay Had a Little Lamb

Herding our goats at The Doctor's HouseLindsay, our new Events Manager, has barely been here a week, and she’s settling in nicely. She recently helped move our baby goats from their shelter, to join the rest of the flock (if you can stand the cute overload, see the video here). She’s a natural with the kids and lambs, and all the four leggeds around here.

Moving baby goatsTo find more more pictures of our farm animals, make sure to follow us on Pinterest and Facebook!

It’s a Big World

Pre-warned – this video is super cute, and super loud! Jack and Jill, our new baby goats, recently learned that it’s a big, big world out there. They’ve gotten big enough to join the rest of the herd – and join them they did!

Everyone took a few moments to adjust to the new hierarchy, but soon after, everything – and everyone – was back to normal. Jack and Jill are becoming more confident each day. So if you’re a guest at the inn, restaurant or spa at The Doctor’s House, make sure you stop by to see how they’re doing!

Finally, here’s a simple reminder that Dining at The Doctor’s House is open tonight and tomorrow, and you don’t need to be an overnight guests to dine with us. We hope to see you there!


Queens of the Castle

goats at our newfoundland inn‘I’m the Queen of the castle!’ says Rosie the Goat! Unconvinced she’s the dirty rascal, Bonnie objects – and claims queen status a few minutes later. These girls aren’t used to not being the only goats around, now that these cute momma and babies have joined us. But they’ve taken it in stride, and are sticking to their old games. Make sure to visit pop over for a little visit if you’re one of our guests enjoying our inn, spa, or Fine Dining (you don’t need to be an overnight guest to enjoy the latter!) this weekend!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Sprawled Off

pets at our cottagesIt’s a dog and cat’s life, here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway. There’s always a new guest to meet, a two-legged to entertain, a few sticks to save from the waves of the Atlantic ocean. We only get 4 or 5 naps like this a day, so we have to make the most of them! Here I am with Shadow, reminding you that two pets are better than one (that’s why I hope you take advantage of our pet’s welcome policy here at the cottages and bring some friends for me to play with this summer!). And reminding Jerry and The Berry that sometimes it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie!

Throwback Thursday: Who, Me?

kitten at our cottagesHere’s Monkey when she was a wee bit smaller, pre-surgery and full of mischief. This is her best ‘who, me?’ face. She was a handful then, a handful now, and always all around lovable.

It’s funny. Before moving to the Wonderful World of Whiteway, sure, I’d been around animals, even became attached to a few. But now, I’m surrounded by the little buggers (way more four legged creatures live in my home than two legged ones!). And I couldn’t be any happier. It’s part of the reason why pets are welcome at our cottages. That, and because we know there’s nothing better for a dog owner than to be able to play fetch with Rover on our rocky beaches!

More Cat Blogging

Cats in NewfoundlandAfter yesterday’s cat tree post, we seem to be on a cat-blogging role. Since over 30% of Internet traffic is supposedly cat-related, I guess that’s a good thing! Here’s our new kittens, Monkey and Zoe, doing exactly what kittens are supposed to do – cuddling and looking cute. They’re currently the tiniest and sweetest members of the family!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Buddies For Life

Dog and cat at our Newfoundland cottage rentalsIt’s a dog’s and cat’s life, that’s for sure! Here I am with my now dear friend, Shadow. She was a bit skittish when she first joined us in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, but like I have all four-leggeds I’ve met, I was able to win her over. Which is great – now that the cooler temperatures are setting in, we need all the warm cuddle partners we can get!