A Pony, a Sheep, and a Goat ….

Animals at our Newfoundland inn and spa‘A pony, a sheep, and a goat’ …. it sounds like a set-up to a joke, right? Except in this case, the punch line is just that the three animals lay down in their field, happily enjoying each other’s company. All our sweet four-leggeds have turned out to be huge draws at The Doctor’s House, especially since they all love attention from our guests. They truly have the life!

Our Little Ponies

Newfoundland PoniesRecently, our good friend Shirley George visited us at The Doctor’s House and took lots of stunning photos – you can see some more of them here. Of course, our favourite shots were of the Newfoundland ponies (enjoying their new fence, we might add). They’re our favourites probably for the same reason that, despite all the riches and beauty of this place, almost everyone seems to love the ponies best. They’re so gentle and friendly, love people, and of course are just beauties, too. We have to ask – have you pet a Newfoundland pony today?

To see more photos of the ponies in actin, check out this album on our Facebook page!

Here, Kitty, Kitty

Playing with the kittens at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaClearly we like our animals in pairs. First it was our two goldens, Murphy and Friday. Now, we’ve got our two kittens, MiMi and my Shadow, scampering about. They’re cute, and, having been born almost wild, are slowly adjusting to domestic life. They’re quite playful, and sometime quite cuddly, at least when they’re ready for their naps. Nothing’s more relaxing than playing with kittens – we highly recommend it!Our two kittens at our Newfoundland resort inn and spa

Monday Morning Moose

Moose at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaWe woke up a few mornings ago to this friendly visitor, right outside our patio door – Hello! She was no more than three feet away – close enough to touch.  By the time we got our camera – of course – she had moved on a bit.  She nonchalantly strolled down to The Doctor’s House without a care in the world, other than a ‘what are you doing on my property’ look on her face.  She seemed seemed grateful that we’re growing all this grass for her – we think she’ll be back!Moose at our Newfoundland resort inn and spa

Special Visitors

Nest at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaNow that The Berry and I have been staying at The Doctor’s Study, a little home on the grounds at The Doctor’s House, we have some new friends – like the beautiful robin who visits us each morning. We now know why she’s such an ardent visitor – she has a sweet little nest to tend to! It’s out on our balcony, so we’re blessed to watch this little family grow right outside our window. And, we now have to keep Friday and and Murphy off the balcony! Property at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaStay tuned – if we’re able to get some pictures of the chicks, we’ll surely share!

Goat Park!

Goat at our Newfoundland cottagesPerry, our Groundskeeper at The Doctor’s House, came up with a great idea to build a Goat Park for Rosie and Eweness.  Rosie is playful and energetic, but we can’t let her roam because she tries to head off-property, and she could also hurt herself on some of our vegetation.

So we’ve setup this big rock to start the park, right across from the duck pond.  We’re going to fence it in and add lots for them to jump up on and over. Rosie and Eweness are about to be the luckiest bovines around!Goat at our Newfoundland resort inn and spa

Tuesdays with Murphy: Shag It!

Golden retrievers playing at our Newfoundland cottage rentalsIt’s getting nicer, but we’re still waiting for that hot summer weather to kick in. And of course. the Atlantic Ocean is cold any time of the year up here in Newfoundland. So you might think dogs would eschew playing fetch in the chilly water these days, and you’d be right – some dogs might. But Friday and I have warm coats and warm blood, descended as we are from the Newfoundland and the archaic St. John’s dogs. So when Jerry throws us some sticks, there’s only one response – Shag It, and jump in!Dogs chasing sticks in the Atlantic Ocean at our ocean front cottage rentals in Newfoundland

Tuesdays with Murphy: Sharing is Caring!


Dogs playing at our Newfoundland cottage rentalsIt’s muddy this time of year, but Jerry is indulgent and knows how much Friday and I enjoy our little dips. So this weekend he took us to play fetch in this swimming hole near the cottages (remember, pets are welcome with us, for a small fee – maybe yours want to come play with us this summer!). Being the big brother, I was happy to share our stick – for a little while. But of course, I had to claim something for my own before the day was done!Dogs playing at our newfoundland cottage rentals

Tuesdays with Murphy: Bon Voyage Berry!

Goldren retrievers relax wtih the owner of our ocean front cottage rentals in NewfoundlandThe Berry works so hard, so it’s hard to be selfish – she deserves a trip to Ontario to visit her family. But who will we snuggle with on lazy Sunday afternoons? Or any day for that matter? We’ll be quite sad without her these next few weeks, we’re sure, but we wish her a fabulous vacation filled with lots of love and relaxation. And we’ll be waiting with open paws when she gets back!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Life Lesson

Golden retriever and devon rex cat at our newfoundland cottage rentalsHere’s a life lesson about persistence, patience, forgiveness and love. You may remember that when Molly, our Devon Rex four-legged, joined our Ocean Delight family, I was actually frightened of her, despite our size difference. She came to us fearful, with some sadness in her past, and she did not take to me one bit – in fact, she did quite the opposite, often scratching and biting without justification. But I never gave up hope of a relationship, and I never responded with anything but grace and kindness. And now – this photo says it all. We’ve become cuddle buddies, keeping each other warm in this cold winter. I feel truly blessed!