Tuesday with Murphy: Merry Christmas Eve!

relaxing in Newfoundland at ChrismtasMy humans seem to think that Christmas is a time of extra indulgence, plenty of rest and extra time for loved ones. Friday and I won’t argue with that! We love our ‘couch time’ with The Berry (or Jerry, of Joe, or pretty much any warm body that wants to snuggle up). So as you wait for Santa tonight (we’re excited for the 8 exotic four leggeds that should be flying by!), I hope you have someone to cuddle with, too.

Tuesdays with Murphy: Three Amigos

Three pets in rural Newfoundland

Don’t we make a handsome bunch! Here I am with pals Friday and Molly, cozying up on Joe’s bed. I love it when I get to spend time at Uncle Joe’s – sometimes I even get to sleepover. It’s especially fun because Joe now lives at The Doctor’s House – meaning I get more time to play with Monty the Pony, Rosie the Goat, and all the other four leggeds over there. I’m hoping I’ll be allowed to stay over this New Year’s Eve – I hear they have a fun night planned, complete with a romantic meal by the fire and live music. And champagne at midnight, not that I personally ever imbibe!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Best Buds

Golden retriever and devon rex relax at our ocean front cottagesI was thrilled when Friday, this sweet new golden retriever, joined our Ocean Delight family – I knew we were going to get along great! However, Molly, Joe’s Devon Rex, is quite the character (is that what you call ‘damning with faint praise?’). We’ve grown to love each other, but I wasn’t sure how she was going to take to a new comer.

Turns out, she’s taken to him swimmingly! Looks like Friday warmed her heart much quicker than even I could, and the two are happy to cuddle and relax together at Joe’s new spot at The Doctor’s House (which has just extended its spa specials, by the way!).

Today Jerry, one of my two best buds, is speaking at a luncheon for Irish Loop Chamber of Commerce – wish him luck!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Big Four Leggeds

Two Moose in NewfoundlandI had to borrow a picture from Jerry’s friend, Newfoundland photographer Bud Vincent, to share on the blog today. Have you ever seen four-leggeds as majestic as this? They sure make me proud to be on their team.

Moose are quite populous in Newfoundland, of course, and visitors who are driving our roads should know to be mindful of them. Or, if you’re on the Terra Nova Golf Resort as Bud was when he got these pictures, perhaps you should be mindful when you tee-off, too!Four Moose in Terra Nova Park in Newfoundland

Tuesdays with Murphy: Walking with Rosie

Golden retriever and goat

With this past busy holiday weekend at the Shag It Cafe and wedding event planning at The Doctor’s House, the two-leggeds around here think they’ve been  busy dealing with lots of changes. But it’s really the four-leggeds who’ve had the most to deal with it. I now have not one but TWO new little ones to mind and show the ropes – on top of all my Guest Relations duties.

Joe of course has his new golden retriever, named Friday – he’s sweet and smart, but it’s still going to be a lot of work for me to show him all of our Ocean Delight ways. And Rosie, well she’s a unique one. And a new partner for Jerry and me when we go on our morning walks. She must think she’s a dog, because she acts just like one.

Anyway, I don’t mind my extra charges. It’s like I always say – we four leggeds have to stick together!

Rosie the Flying Goat

Goat at our Newfoundland Inn and Spa

We are loving Rosie the Goat – she is such a sweet addition to our Ocean Delight/The Doctor’s House family. And … it turns out she can fly!

Joe went to the barn to check on her the other morning and she wasn’t in her stall. Somehow she had flown over the 5 foot gate! Then Perry went in and found her in the rafters of the barn, overhead. We couldn’t believe our eyes.

We put her back in the stall, and without running she sprung up and over the gate into the main part of the barn. Then she jumped up on the edge of the horses’ stall and then into the rafters – in about 3 seconds – like a monkey.

When we got her down, she hopped over the half door to the barn into the yard. And she seemed to be smiling (with her cute, mischievous grin) saying, “you can’t catch, I’m the gingerbread goat.”

But she didn’t run – she just waited there for me to take her for a walk with Murphy. She loves humans and other animals, and loves walking with Murphy and me. Goats are herd animals, and she cries like a baby when she is left alone.

I have to say, of the animals I have known, she is the most amazing. She walks by my side, comes when she is called and is very playful. Imagine – all that in a goat! Or should I say, a flying goat!

Tuesdays with Murphy: New Brother!

Our new golden retriever at our newfoundland cottages

What a fun weekend this has been. The Berry did some more of her famous Kijiji work and found another golden retriever looking for a forever home. Lynn loved her golden, but needed to find him a new, good home. And I can certainly attest to one thing – Ocean Delight is a dog’s paradise. The new dog (and mini-me) is living with Joe, who has named him Friday (how fitting!).

We can tell he misses Lynn, but he’s settling in well. We’ve been on some great walks already. I was looking for an assistant for my duties in Guest Relations – I think Friday is going to do quite well! He’s Joe’s first dog, and I am sure they are going to be best friends. Molly, his cat, wasn’t too please at first, but he’s warming up to it.

So please join me in welcoming Friday to the family! And we can’t thank Lynn enough for trusting us with her beautiful pet. Welcoming a new golden retriever to our newfoundland cottage rentals