The Great Kidnapping

Talk about your romantic getaway! This past weekend Ocean Delight was the scene of a kidnaping, but I don’t think the ‘victim’ was too concerned: Susan brought her husband, but didn’t tell him where they were going until they got here! And the surprise kicker for us is that Alan is an old, long lost friend, going back 20 years. So they got to enjoy a weekend away, and we got to enjoy catching up and making up for lost time. Win win! And check out our current promotion which helps you plan the perfect romantic getaway, too.

They also brought their dog, Annie, who (if you remember yesterday’s blog) made quite an impression on Murphy!

Heart’s Delight in Heart’s Delight

We’ve been so busy updating the cottages – painting, redecorating, adding furniture – that we barely got to acknowledge Valentine’s Day last week, let alone celebrate. I actually spent that day painting the Blueberry Cottage with my younger brother, Joe – hardly romantic.

So tonight The Berry (Laurelyn) and I are going to Heart’s Delight to take make good on its namesake. Flower, wine, roses, and romantic dinner is planned. We are finally taking advantage of our own Valentine’s Special that we spent so much time promoting!

Maybe tomorrow we’ll see if Clifford George will take us out for one of his famous sleigh rides: [wpvideo Hi3wVDHn]