Budding Saturday: I Walk Alone

Cat walking on wharf in rural NewfoundlandAnother Saturday, another beautiful from Newfoundland photographer Bud Vincent. This shot looks appropriately chilly for the season.

This weekend we are in Clarenville for  ‘Eat the Hills’ in Clarenville.  We are representing the Legendary Coasts of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador Destination Management Organization (I’m the Vice Chair).  The Berry and I plan to have fun, illuminating weekend – I’ll keep you posted!

Sunset Sunday: Truly Stunning

Sunset in Newfoundlnad

Today’s Sunday Sunset comes from brilliant photographer Bud Vincent, who captures the beauty of Newfoundland in a profound way I never could. Please read the words he attached to the picture – quite inspirational:
“As I walked along the shoreline here in Harcourt tonight and saw images like this right before me, I just could not help but think, how blessed we are in this province to see and appreciate images all over the province such as these. It kept reminding me of the time I first heard this gospel song: it was titled ” The Wonderful Wonders of God.”…It was in Grand Falls, many moons ago…It was a bright sun shiny Saturday morning, and both my wife and I were travelling through Central Newfoundland. We stopped in to Grand Falls, particularly in the shopping area. Just before we did we could hear music and voices coming from somewhere. Finally, we came upon an outdoor Gospel hour type of activity..And, this beautiful song was being sung by a young man. It just stopped me in my tracks – I eventually purchased an album that he had produced. And, for many many many years I used to ‘hum’ or try to sing that song.. I just wanted to share a line or so of that song. Because this is how it makes me feel when I see so much beauty around us. And, for those of you who know me, I make sure that I capture some of those images ddigitally and to share them …

So, these images remind me of a line in that song: ‘the wonders of God, we see every day, the wonders of God in constant display..oh the wonderful wonders of God…’.”

Thanks for sharing, Bud, as always!Sunset in Newfoundland

Budding Saturday: Sin John’s

Downtown St. John's, Newfoundland

Back to our regularly scheduled pictures from Bud Vincent! Bud is good friend and fantastic photographer, and we’re lucky to get to share his beautiful pictures on the blog from time to time. He recently sent me a batch of photos from ‘Sin John’s’ – that’s how the locals pronounce our province’s capital city! Love these – hope you do, too. Happy Saturday. Downtown St. John'sDowntown St. John's

Budding Saturday: Talented Guests

Long Point Cove in Heart's Delight Newfoundland

Saturday’s are basically ‘Look How Pretty Newfoundland Is Day’ on our blog. We like to feature beautiful pictures of our beautiful province. Often that means pictures from the talented Bud Vincent. Today, we’re happy to share some pictures Peter Humby sent us from his family weekend at our cottages in Long Point Cove. Peter’s a return guest with a great family, and clearly an eye for photography. Thanks to him for sharing, and enjoy!

Cottage in Long POint Cove, in Heart's Delight, NewfoundlandOur cottage rentals in Long Point Cove, in Heart's Delight NewfoundlandChildren playing at our cottage in Heart's Delight, Newfoundland

Look closely at this one, and you’ll see Peter’s son, George, playing along the rocks!

Budding Saturday: Red Cliffe

Newfoundland barns in Red Cliffe

Saturday’s are Newfoundland photography on the blog. In our books, not many better photographers out there than our friend Bud Vincent. Here’s one he got in Red Cliffe. He says: “One of the movie set sites of the movie The Grande Seduction..this was taken at Red Cliffe, BB. This is a really perfect place for photographers and photographer wannabees… and anyone  period.  Enjoy.” So, you heard the man – enjoy!

Budding Saturday: Awaiting Christmas

You may remember that I’m starting a new Saturday tradition of promoting Newfoundland art on this blog. If you’re an artist or know or love one who’d like to be featured, please email us! In the meantime, I’m sharing some pictures captured by one of the best Newfoundland photographers I know – Bud Vincent. I love how he’s able to capture the beauty in all things, big or small, winter or summer. And especially Christmas!