Tuesdays with Murphy – Let Me Kayak!

golden retriever and a kayaker on the beach in Newfoundland

Mike Crane has done lots over the past many months to help Jerry and The Berry with their many endeavors. And he likes to kayak after work – Whiteway is a great spot for it. I just don’t know why he won’t let me come along for the ride – I always comes down to the shore to try to beg one!

Tuesdays with Murphy: New Trails

Hiking Trails on the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland

You know me – always up for an adventure. That’s why I was thrilled when I was able to convince Jerry and The Berry to check out D’Iberville Trail on a fun day trip. It was an easy walk with great vistas – what more could a four-legged ask for? Any guests staying with us – please ask if you’d like some recommendations for similar things to do near the cottages, and please also see our Things to Do section. Just doing my job as Manager of Guest Relations!Hiking the East Coast Trail on the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland

Tuesdays with Murphy: Rescue at Sea

Rescue of a golden retriever off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador

If you follow our blog you know how much I love swimming in the ocean by the cottages. Thankfully, when I’m out in the water, everything goes swimmingly (pardon my pun). But I recently had a few scary moments that make you appreciate safety! I’ll let Lisa recount what happened, below:
“So today had a “little” adventure! To say the least, Murphy (being the water dog that he is) decided to go swimming. He decided at some point he would try to retrieve a lobster pot (do you have any idea how heavy they are!).

On a more serious note we noticed he was swimming but staying in the same spot, we went to have a look as he was fatiguing. He had the rope wrapped around his neck. Lucky we saw him or he would have drowned!

The rescue was carried out by Jerry (who can’t swim!) and Mike Crane. The rope was unwrapped and Murphy swam safely to shore. Tired as ole heck but he was fine.”

Talk about being grateful! I’ll deliver Jerry his slippers for the rest of the week. Big thanks to Mike, too.

Tuesdays with Murphy: Summer’s Here!

Golden Retriever playing in the Atlantic Ocean at Newfoundland cottagesLots to be excited about here at the cottages (upcoming on the blog, you’ll be reading about a new cottage, some workshops, some new shenanigans from Clifford). But what I’m most excited about? The fact that the weather is starting to turn and that summer is upon us. I can’t wait for all the hikes, all the boil-ups, all the marshmallow roasts. And, most importantly, all the dips in the ocean! And pets stay free for the rest of June, so that might mean a few extra playmates for me!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Not in MY Henhouse!

Golden retriever protecting a farm in rural Newfoundland

I have an exciting new role – keeping my first cousins away from our chicken coop at The Doctor’s House. I sent word out to all the foxes (and would-be-foxes): “don’t FOWL with me.” We were told that our birds last year fell prey to foxes, weasels, hawks and eagles. Not on Murphy’s watch!

I have a keen eye and great sense of smell to help me in my duties. These eggs are for the kids that come to stay at The Doctor’s House – not for scoundrels who purport to call themselves four leggeds.

Jerry was so pleased when he went to get these eggs. He told me it was the first time he had done it. See that smile on his face – just like the kids will have on theirs when the fetch their own breakfast.


Tuesdays with Murphy: So Many Hikes, So Little Time

Hiking in Newfoundland Canada

Jerry and The Berry have been so busy with the opening of The Doctor’s House, that they barely know if they’re coming or going. Lucky for Jerry, I always make I take him on at least one nice long walk a day – his body needs the exercise, and his brain needs the break!

Thankfully there’s no shortage of great walking trails around the Wonderful World of Whiteway. This one is one of my favorites – Crout’s Way (if you’re at the cottages, ask one of the two-leggeds and they can point you to it). The trail is a bit overgrown at points, but it’s a fun walk and ends at a really cool waterfall – perfect for picnics. And don’t think Goldens don’t appreciate a good view!

Pets still stay free at the cottages for the next little while, so I’m really hoping for a few friends to come join me – I’d love to show them some of the local trails! Boundless energy that he has, Jerry just can’t keep up with me, so at forks in the road I always have to wait for him to catch up. I love Jerry, but I’d love it even more to have a walking partner who could keep up with me!Hiking in Newfoundland with a golden retriever

Tuesdays with Murphy: Where Would You Rather Be?

St. John’s or the  Wonderful World of Whiteway – what would you say? Here I am at my lavatory in olde St. John’s, small and enclosed with no privacy – hardly dignified. And here I am in the open country, running, hunting, retrieving and having a ball, with the biggest ‘loo a four-legged could ask for.

It’s usually great when The Berry or Jerry say, “do you want to go for a ride?”- it usually means we’re going to a new trail to explore. But when I see them packing a bag and talking about Costco, banks, meetings and the like, woe is me. I know I am on a trip to boredom.

Of course in town I live in perpetual hope, like a gambler at the Lotto machine, that we’ll go to Bowering or Pippy Park, around the pond, up Signal Hill or along the East Coast Trail. But that rarely happens, as they are always in such a hurry – so I patiently wait for the scent of the open road back home. Please hurry!