Tuesdays with Murphy: First Mate Murphy

I don’t know what Jerry and The Berry did before I came to Ocean Delight Cottages. Who took them for walks, who kept their feet warm at night, who kept Jerry company while he writes on his computer early in the morning? And, most importantly, who was the First Mate of the A Wake at Last?

Regardless, I’m happy to assume all these duties, even if I haven’t quite mastered my sea legs yet. I certainly enjoyed the food fishery, when Jerry was out fishing and needed someone to clean and lick all the fish that came aboard. Maybe by the time it rolls around next year, I’ll be promoted from First Mate to Captain!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Latest Heart Throb

What can I say? Yes I’m a gentleman, but I’m also a lady’s man. As you know I never smell and tell, but I can say that I have had the pleasure of having Maggie stay with us in the Wonderful World of Whiteway more than once. Her humans must like it out here – they keep coming back. And no complaints on this end – Maggie can bring them here as much as she likes. I like to stay close by, waiting for a wink or a nod, an enticing wag of the tail. Unfortunately, she’s kept a too short a leash for my pleasure – she can’t get away with much!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Murphy Babysits

This young lad enjoying a dip in the Atlantic Ocean is Phoenix, a very frisky four-legged who owns Jerry’s niece, Robin – he brought Robin here last week thinking she’d like to spend a night around the bay with her parents (I think he was right!). Only 3 months old, Phoenix was full of energy (almost too much)- thankfully, I am renowned for my patience and was able to babysit him all day.

And it’s a good thing I took him under my wing, too. At one point, brazenly trying to follow me on my walk around the cliffs of Whiteway, he wandered too close to the edge (as all young things are wont to do) and fell over. Thankfully I was there to show him the way back to safety – and he never left my side the rest of the visit.

So, I gave him a swimming lesson, and he took to the water like a natural – maybe not up to my retriever standards, but I’m sure much more so then that Mabel. Anyway, I was happy to show Phoenix the Whiteway ropes and I hope he’ll come back soon to play with me again – every puppy needs a mentor, and I think I’m just the one.

Tuesdays with Murphy: Holding My Own

Jerry and The Berry spend a lot of time talking about their new friends out here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, but don’t forget that we four-leggeds enjoy our socializing, too. Here’s Arthero, an Italian Mastiff who visited me in Heart’s Delight last week. Don’t let his size fool you – he’s actually quite the gentle beast, as sweet, if only slightly less refined, than me. And thanks to my daily dips in the Atlantic, I’m fit enough to keep up with any dog – in fact, I love playing with everyone I meet!  

Actually, I think we’re two peas in a pod!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Friendly Rivalry

Since coming to Ocean Delight I have become quite the athlete quite easily (natural water dog that I am), bounding into the ocean without fear whenever Jerry and The Berry need me fetch things (like I am above, swimming for my favourite toy).

And since coming to the Ocean Delight family, I’ve learned about a relative in Virginia – namely Mabel, the pit bull who owns Jerry’s daughter, Adrienne. This Mabel seems quite charming, but all I hear about is how great Mabel is, how sweet Mabel is, what a great personality Mabel has, how Mabel can out-swim all her retriever friends when she goes on hikes.

Well I’d like to meet Mabel and set the record straight. It’s one thing to swim in rivers, and another to jump into the heady North Atlantic! That’s why I have webbed feet! But while I’m sure, as a retriever, I could outperform any terrier (even if they are of a larger variety), I might just have to let Mabel think she’s won – after all, not only am I her uncle, I’m also a gentleman!

So look at these pictures and let me know what you think – who makes the more fetching water dog?My guess is, it’s a tie!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Public Relations

Every day I love Whiteway more and more, so I need to make sure Jerry and The Berry remain vigilant in their customer service so we can stay here forever. They do a good job, but just in case, I’ve appointed myself Public Relations Manager. Who better to greet guests and show them a good time than someone golden, smiling, friendly, gentle ….. (I could go on, but you know me – not one to brag!).

So, I make my rounds to see all the guests and make sure they’re having a good time. Playing fetch is proving to be quite the people pleaser, and it’s a mutually beneficial activity – they love throwing stuff into the ocean, and I love retrieving it.  Just like Ocean Delight, it’s a win-win!

Poor Murphy

It seems we’ll have to be a little more careful with Murphy – so far we’ve let him have too good a time (if you don’t believe us, read his blog post!). He loves the salt water (lucky for him our cottages are right on the beach!), and he runs in every chance he gets. We always wash him after, but his paws still got infected – he seemed to be in pain, so we brought him to the fabulous Baccalieu Trail Animal Hospital. What a spot – I wish we had people hospitals like it.

Turns out all the play put a strain on Murphy’s elbows, which are inflamed – nothing that a little nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine shouldn’t cure. The more serious problem is a sore on his paw that caused the limping. We got some anti-bacterial cream to put on it a couple of times a day.

The good news – let him swim to his Heart’s Delight, as long as we rinse and dry him properly afterwards.

But poor paws not withstanding, we think he’s having a great time here at our cabins and we have more than fallen in love. He’s cute even if he is a little groggy!