Special Visitors

Nest at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaNow that The Berry and I have been staying at The Doctor’s Study, a little home on the grounds at The Doctor’s House, we have some new friends – like the beautiful robin who visits us each morning. We now know why she’s such an ardent visitor – she has a sweet little nest to tend to! It’s out on our balcony, so we’re blessed to watch this little family grow right outside our window. And, we now have to keep Friday and and Murphy off the balcony! Property at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaStay tuned – if we’re able to get some pictures of the chicks, we’ll surely share!

Spring Has Sprung

Tulips at The Doctor's HouseWe’ve had some beautiful days here lately – sunny, warm but not too warm, no wind. We’ve been treated to beautiful sunsets, flowers bursting forth, birds and bees getting busy with their spring cleaning. Perry was right – it is gorgeous out here this time of year.Flowers at The Doctor's House in NewfoundlandWe’re looking forward to a fun, busy weekend. The Shag It will be open Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11-7pm. We hope to see you out on the patio, enjoying Spring with us!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Not in MY Henhouse!

Golden retriever protecting a farm in rural Newfoundland

I have an exciting new role – keeping my first cousins away from our chicken coop at The Doctor’s House. I sent word out to all the foxes (and would-be-foxes): “don’t FOWL with me.” We were told that our birds last year fell prey to foxes, weasels, hawks and eagles. Not on Murphy’s watch!

I have a keen eye and great sense of smell to help me in my duties. These eggs are for the kids that come to stay at The Doctor’s House – not for scoundrels who purport to call themselves four leggeds.

Jerry was so pleased when he went to get these eggs. He told me it was the first time he had done it. See that smile on his face – just like the kids will have on theirs when the fetch their own breakfast.