
Peek a BooPeek-a-Boo! Rosie sees you! And actually, in this picture, it’s Tara that Rosie spies. Tara is one of many new employees with us this year, and believe it or not, we’re still looking for more staff – especially to help us with dining. And playing peek-a-boo with the animals is only one of the perks of working here.

If you’re like to learn more, see our open positions, or even apply, please see here. And if you’re a guest (either overnight, or just at the spa or dining) then make sure to include some peek-a-boo time yourself!

Pick a Goat, Any Goat

goats at our newfoundland wedding retreatWell clearly there’s no denying it. We’re animal lovers, and we like to ‘go big or go home.’ When we became owners of The Doctor’s House, The Berry and I inherited two lovely Newfoundland ponies. And that was it as far as barnyard animals went.

And today? Wellllll … let’s just say we have a few more running around. And we love it. It wasn’t our goal to keep growing the herd, but when we hear about local animals who need new homes, how can we say no? We are an animal sanctuary, after all.

So new baby goats Jack and Jill and their momma Mel are getting along with goats Bonnie and Rosie, and Nan and her little lamb are getting along with Eweness, the sheep we brought home last year. All in all, it makes for a happy little family, that our guests love visiting (as do we, of course!). And don’t get us started on the 4 Newfoundland ponies …

Lindsay Had a Little Lamb

Herding our goats at The Doctor's HouseLindsay, our new Events Manager, has barely been here a week, and she’s settling in nicely. She recently helped move our baby goats from their shelter, to join the rest of the flock (if you can stand the cute overload, see the video here). She’s a natural with the kids and lambs, and all the four leggeds around here.

Moving baby goatsTo find more more pictures of our farm animals, make sure to follow us on Pinterest and Facebook!

It’s a Big World

Pre-warned – this video is super cute, and super loud! Jack and Jill, our new baby goats, recently learned that it’s a big, big world out there. They’ve gotten big enough to join the rest of the herd – and join them they did!

Everyone took a few moments to adjust to the new hierarchy, but soon after, everything – and everyone – was back to normal. Jack and Jill are becoming more confident each day. So if you’re a guest at the inn, restaurant or spa at The Doctor’s House, make sure you stop by to see how they’re doing!

Finally, here’s a simple reminder that Dining at The Doctor’s House is open tonight and tomorrow, and you don’t need to be an overnight guests to dine with us. We hope to see you there!


Queens of the Castle

goats at our newfoundland inn‘I’m the Queen of the castle!’ says Rosie the Goat! Unconvinced she’s the dirty rascal, Bonnie objects – and claims queen status a few minutes later. These girls aren’t used to not being the only goats around, now that these cute momma and babies have joined us. But they’ve taken it in stride, and are sticking to their old games. Make sure to visit pop over for a little visit if you’re one of our guests enjoying our inn, spa, or Fine Dining (you don’t need to be an overnight guest to enjoy the latter!) this weekend!

What’s All the Fuss About?

Newfoundland poniesThis weekend was all about the new arrivals, and don’t think our resident four-leggeds weren’t curious about what all the fuss was about! Here’s Beauty, Shamrock and Monty, our Newfoundland ponies, all turning a curious eye and ear towards the new goats and lambs. We’re happy to report that all are getting along quite nicely, making us even more confidant that growing our barnyard family was the right thing to do!

Springtime at The Doctor’s House

Goat at our Newfoundland hotelContrary to forecast, we had beautiful weekend at The Doctor’s House, with signs of Spring all around.  I went up to do some repairs and routine maintenance and, like I always do, took a few minutes to talk with the critters (they’re so cute – how could I not?).

Bonnie the Beautiful, Rosie the Rebel, Cookie the Keener, Eweness the Youthful and Friday the Frisky were all up for pictures. – Find more on our Facebook page.

Pregnant lamb in NewfoundlandEweness is quite radiant this season.  She has this glow, this energy about her, this, “I got a secret” look on her face (here’s why!).
Rosie the Goat

A Pony, a Sheep, and a Goat ….

Animals at our Newfoundland inn and spa‘A pony, a sheep, and a goat’ …. it sounds like a set-up to a joke, right? Except in this case, the punch line is just that the three animals lay down in their field, happily enjoying each other’s company. All our sweet four-leggeds have turned out to be huge draws at The Doctor’s House, especially since they all love attention from our guests. They truly have the life!

All Creatures Great and Small

Animals at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaHere’s a recent view from our kitchen table. All our 4 leggeds – ponies, goat and sheep – side by side, each eating the fresh new grass. It was a deep-breath-moment and time to count our blessings. When we’re staying at Ocean Delight, our view is fishing boats in the harbour. Here at The Doctor’s House, it’s our beloved flock in the grass. Not sure which is better!

Our Little Ponies

Newfoundland PoniesRecently, our good friend Shirley George visited us at The Doctor’s House and took lots of stunning photos – you can see some more of them here. Of course, our favourite shots were of the Newfoundland ponies (enjoying their new fence, we might add). They’re our favourites probably for the same reason that, despite all the riches and beauty of this place, almost everyone seems to love the ponies best. They’re so gentle and friendly, love people, and of course are just beauties, too. We have to ask – have you pet a Newfoundland pony today?

To see more photos of the ponies in actin, check out this album on our Facebook page!