Fresh Picked

Straight from The Doctor's House GardenHere’s a photo that our amazing Executive Chef Stephen Pynn recently shared, of a morning’s yield about to become an evening’s masterpiece. My guess is he used these for his Braised Beef Shortrib, which incorporates potato puree and glazed carrots (and is delicious, by the way), but I’m not the expert. What I do know is that we’re having a lot of fun as we work in our greenhouses towards becoming a farm-to-table restaurant – and some mighty tasty meals in the process. Remember that our multicourse gourmet dinner is included in our fall packages this year, and find our complete menu here.

For the Birds

Chicken Coop at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaSadly, in the past, we’ve lost our birds to predators like mink and weasel. So this is the year I say, no more! Engineer Jerry to the rescue!

As you can see, we have constructed the Mother of All Chicken Coops. We currently have 16 chicken (with more to come) and we do not intend to lose them this year.

This coup has lots of light, with wire screens that go down into the ground so that the predators cannot crawl.  And the wire goes over the top to keep the chickens in and the hawks and eagles out.  The floor inside is concrete and windows have wire screens.

So far, it’s Jerry 1, Predators 0, and fingers crossed, it will stay that way!



What’s All the Fuss About?

Newfoundland poniesThis weekend was all about the new arrivals, and don’t think our resident four-leggeds weren’t curious about what all the fuss was about! Here’s Beauty, Shamrock and Monty, our Newfoundland ponies, all turning a curious eye and ear towards the new goats and lambs. We’re happy to report that all are getting along quite nicely, making us even more confidant that growing our barnyard family was the right thing to do!

Springtime at The Doctor’s House

Goat at our Newfoundland hotelContrary to forecast, we had beautiful weekend at The Doctor’s House, with signs of Spring all around.  I went up to do some repairs and routine maintenance and, like I always do, took a few minutes to talk with the critters (they’re so cute – how could I not?).

Bonnie the Beautiful, Rosie the Rebel, Cookie the Keener, Eweness the Youthful and Friday the Frisky were all up for pictures. – Find more on our Facebook page.

Pregnant lamb in NewfoundlandEweness is quite radiant this season.  She has this glow, this energy about her, this, “I got a secret” look on her face (here’s why!).
Rosie the Goat

Expecting, Eweness?

Sheep on our Newfoudland farmHere’s sweet Eweness, one our favourite four-leggeds at The Doctor’s House (who are we kidding – they’re all our favourites!). We rescued her about a year ago, and at the time we thought she was pregnant.

Well she wasn’t pregnant then …. but she might be now! Perry Oliver, our animal whisperer extraordinaire, says there’s a 90%+ chance we’ll be hearing the pitter patter of little hooves soon.  He said he will know for sure in about two or three weeks when her milk comes through, and he’s expecting a May baby. Or should be was babies – Perry thinks it might be twins!

So stay tuned to the blog – especially since we’ll be looking for help naming the new lambs! With (potential) babies on the way, and even more flowers expected this year given the amount of bulbs we planted last Fall, we’re expecting a very Spring-y Spring this year!

A Pony, a Sheep, and a Goat ….

Animals at our Newfoundland inn and spa‘A pony, a sheep, and a goat’ …. it sounds like a set-up to a joke, right? Except in this case, the punch line is just that the three animals lay down in their field, happily enjoying each other’s company. All our sweet four-leggeds have turned out to be huge draws at The Doctor’s House, especially since they all love attention from our guests. They truly have the life!

All Creatures Great and Small

Animals at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaHere’s a recent view from our kitchen table. All our 4 leggeds – ponies, goat and sheep – side by side, each eating the fresh new grass. It was a deep-breath-moment and time to count our blessings. When we’re staying at Ocean Delight, our view is fishing boats in the harbour. Here at The Doctor’s House, it’s our beloved flock in the grass. Not sure which is better!

Chicken Coop

Chickens in our barn at our Newfoundland resortWho’d a ever thunk that I’d be in charge of a half dozen chickens? Not me! And of course, it’s the fabulous Perry who takes care of our animals – but I do visit and get a charge out of them. We’ve got a greenhouse at The Doctor’s House and some big agricultural plans for the place (what – me, big dreams?). Stay tuned, and happy Saturday!

Days of Yore

Here’s groundskeeper and husbandry expert, Perry Oliver, using a scythe to cut fresh grass for our horses. They’ve already eaten most of the grass in their current pasture, so we’re creating another one for them that should keep them going all summer. In the meantime, they need their daily greens!

We couldn’t operate The Doctor’s House without all the skills and wisdom Perry brings to the table. His knowledge of animals’ physical needs and psychiatry is amazing, and he keeps all our four-leggeds happy.  And schything is a dying skill that not many can do anymore. Everyday, some new task pops up that makes us really grateful to have Perry on board, as he redefines ‘Jack of all Trades’ and then some.

Bridie and The Berry

Newfoundland pony at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaEveryone leads busy lives these days. We certainly do, as we navigate a new industry, and we know all our friends and colleagues work hard, too. Add in all our devices and on-the-go culture, and it’s hard to unplug! That’s why we love our animals, big and small. They force you to slow down, without your screens and cell phones, and live in the moment while you care for them. Here’s The Berry and Bridie, our Newfoundland pony, going through their evening ritual. It’s truly a blessing!