Rosie the Flying Goat

Goat at our Newfoundland Inn and Spa

We are loving Rosie the Goat – she is such a sweet addition to our Ocean Delight/The Doctor’s House family. And … it turns out she can fly!

Joe went to the barn to check on her the other morning and she wasn’t in her stall. Somehow she had flown over the 5 foot gate! Then Perry went in and found her in the rafters of the barn, overhead. We couldn’t believe our eyes.

We put her back in the stall, and without running she sprung up and over the gate into the main part of the barn. Then she jumped up on the edge of the horses’ stall and then into the rafters – in about 3 seconds – like a monkey.

When we got her down, she hopped over the half door to the barn into the yard. And she seemed to be smiling (with her cute, mischievous grin) saying, “you can’t catch, I’m the gingerbread goat.”

But she didn’t run – she just waited there for me to take her for a walk with Murphy. She loves humans and other animals, and loves walking with Murphy and me. Goats are herd animals, and she cries like a baby when she is left alone.

I have to say, of the animals I have known, she is the most amazing. She walks by my side, comes when she is called and is very playful. Imagine – all that in a goat! Or should I say, a flying goat!

Meet Rosie!

Our new goat at our Newfoundland inn and spa

Introducing Mrs. Roosevelt – the old goat! Actually, she is about 7 months old, and we call her Rosie for short. The Berry found her on Kijiji from a family that was no longer able to care for her, and so we’ve welcomed her into the Ocean Delight family.

Rosie is our first goat and she super friendly, kind of like the Bovid equivalent of Murphy – they’re two gentle peas in a pod! And she’s  a living doll – a most beautiful ruminant. Look at all the new words I am learning – Bovid, Bovidae, Ruminant (hollow horned animal). No doubt we’ll learn lots from this little animal.

She is really gentle, loves people and kids, and is not a runner. She’s living at The Doctor’s House, where our Newfoundland ponies have taken a liking to her. As you can tell, we’re thrilled Rosie’s joined us, so expect lots of goat-blogging in the future! (And to see some more pictures, please click here)Feeding our Newfoundland goat at our cottages and inn


Day Trips: Grow Dat Farms

Sustainable agriculture in Newfoundland

I took this picture on a recent day trip to Grow Dat Farms. I’m always talking up the great day trips you can take on the Baccalieu Trail, so this summer, in our very limited free time, The Berry and I are trying to practice what we preach. Grow Dat Farms in nearby Heart’s Delight was a great place to start. They’ve got fruit, flowers, vegetables, and herbs, all organic and fresh. And of course, chickens! We love their hen house – makes me wonder if it’s something I could replicate at The Doctor’s House. Regardless, it’s a fun place to visit, and just a reminder to guests – we love giving recommendations if you’re looking for fun things to do in the area, and we have a list of local activities here.

Misty Won’t Go Hungry

Shovelling Hay in Rural Newfoundland

Here is Clifford cutting hay with a scythe on the side of the road in Green’s Harbour for Misty, his pony. This was a common sight back when I rambled the hillsides of Torbay.

Now it is a rare thing indeed, kept alive by very few – those with romantic ways who love the past.


Tuesdays with Murphy: Not in MY Henhouse!

Golden retriever protecting a farm in rural Newfoundland

I have an exciting new role – keeping my first cousins away from our chicken coop at The Doctor’s House. I sent word out to all the foxes (and would-be-foxes): “don’t FOWL with me.” We were told that our birds last year fell prey to foxes, weasels, hawks and eagles. Not on Murphy’s watch!

I have a keen eye and great sense of smell to help me in my duties. These eggs are for the kids that come to stay at The Doctor’s House – not for scoundrels who purport to call themselves four leggeds.

Jerry was so pleased when he went to get these eggs. He told me it was the first time he had done it. See that smile on his face – just like the kids will have on theirs when the fetch their own breakfast.


Oh Sunny, Don’t Go Away

You can consider yourself an official Jerry by the Sea fan if you remember my first post about Sunny the Goat, way back in February. Sunny lives a happy life with Clifford and Shirley George, and must love this summer we’ve been having – all these sunny days, just like her namesake. She’s a cutie if ever there were one, and when Allison, the Georges’ daughter, sent me these shots, I knew I had to share them on my blog!Non-Newfoundlanders may not get the title of this post, a reference to one of the greatest songs by one of (if not the) greatest Newfoundland musicians, Ron Hynes. I got to see him perform live once, and it was so good it was almost life-changing – please take the opportunity if you ever get it. We learned this summer that Ron Hynes is battling throat cancer, so please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.