But Who Can Resist?

In St. John’s the other day, I couldn’t resist a stop into McDonalds for my favourite breakfast, an egg mcmuffin with some juice and coffee. It’s a rare treat these days, as there are only 3 McDonalds in Whiteway (or, was that, none?). They might want to rethink the above sign though – very misleading!

Fast food indulgences notwithstanding, I feel great, despite the copious amounts of red wine and good food – lots of physical work and little mental strain make for a health body. The doctors are amazed; they tell me I have the blood pressure of a teenager, the strength of a lion, and the mental capacity of a two year old.

So, when I am in St. John’s (as little as possible) it doesn’t hurt to splurge. At least, that’s what I tell the Berry!