Tuesdays with Murphy: Rescue at Sea

Rescue of a golden retriever off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador

If you follow our blog you know how much I love swimming in the ocean by the cottages. Thankfully, when I’m out in the water, everything goes swimmingly (pardon my pun). But I recently had a few scary moments that make you appreciate safety! I’ll let Lisa recount what happened, below:
“So today had a “little” adventure! To say the least, Murphy (being the water dog that he is) decided to go swimming. He decided at some point he would try to retrieve a lobster pot (do you have any idea how heavy they are!).

On a more serious note we noticed he was swimming but staying in the same spot, we went to have a look as he was fatiguing. He had the rope wrapped around his neck. Lucky we saw him or he would have drowned!

The rescue was carried out by Jerry (who can’t swim!) and Mike Crane. The rope was unwrapped and Murphy swam safely to shore. Tired as ole heck but he was fine.”

Talk about being grateful! I’ll deliver Jerry his slippers for the rest of the week. Big thanks to Mike, too.