Budding Saturday: A Classic

Fish Flakes in NewfoundlandSuch a beautiful picture to share on this Saturday morning. If you’ve followed my blog for awhile then you know that I often like to share photography from all over the island on Saturdays (yes, we love the Wonderful World of Whiteway, but we always encourage our guests to see as much of this beautiful province as possible).

More often than not, our Saturday photos come to us from friend and Newfoundland extraordinaire, Bud Vincent.  This photo of his is an oldie but goodie, of what would have been a quite common scene in Newfoundland just a generation or two ago. I still love a little salt cod now and then. Although I’m also happy to report that we have Herb Crusted Newfoundland Cod with Green Pea Risotto, Saffron & Leak Sauce and Apple Gastrique available tonight at The Doctor’s House (all welcome!).


Catch of the Day

Catch of the DayHere’s our Events Manager Dana’s husband, proud of the one that didn’t get away! At 16 inches and nearly 2 pounds, this trout is something to write home – or blog! – about. There’s lots of great fishing holes around our cottages and The Doctor’s House – stay with us, and we’ll give you a map to our favourite spots!

Capelin Rolling Season in Newfoundland, 2013!

Capelin Rolling in Whiteway, NewfoundlandWe’re in the middle of one of our favourite parts of the summer – the capelin’s rolling in! Any Newfoundlander will know what this means, but many from away might not have heard of the tradition. Every year, capelin – little fish about 20 cm long – come into shore to spawn. Hundreds or millions of the little guys flop right at the shore, making them easy pickings. You can literally reach your hands in anywhere and be guaranteed to pull up a few. People will come from all over to get their bucket-full. We use them for eating of course – I love them on a barbecue, and they were certainly an important staple when we were growing up. People also use them as fertilizer.

It’s a particularly fun activity to share with children – it’s a great way to pass on Newfoundland traditions, and trust me – kids will love fishing with their hands!  I asked some of our staff and friends to take some pictures to share with you.

Child fishing for capelin in NewfoundlandChild fishing for capelin rolling in in NewfoundlandChild fishing for capelin in Newfoundland

Danielle works for us at The Doctor’s House. They’re obviously starting the tradition early with their little one, Liam!

Fishing for Capelin off the coast of NewfoundlandGrandfather and granddaughter getting capelinLeeann helps Joe out at the cottages. She sent these pictures of her cousins Sabrina and Isabelle, and of her dad. It’s great to see families keeping this tradition alive across the generations!

Age Before Beauty

Here’s my beautiful, ugly sculpin, caught last weekend (thanks to LeighAnne for the great shots!). We used to catch these for fun when we were kids playing on the cliffs of Torbay. I used to consider them ugly but now think they are quite gorgeous. One of the benefits of aging!

And the Fish Go On

The days of the recreational fishery here in Newfoundland are numbered, so I’m out on the water every chance I get. You may remember LeighAnne and BJ – they were our first guests to have a testimonial featured on this blog. And they came to the cottages to celebrate their 5 year anniversary, so they had to get a turn on the A Wake at Last – that’s BJ above with his bounty.

We’ve also had out a couple from England – Dr Philip Knights is a man of the cloth, which may have helped us fill our quota in under an hour!

Loads of Cod

Of course, you can’t separate Newfoundland – our history, our identity, our triumphs and struggles – from the cod fishery. And somehow, despite – or because of – everything, cod is in our bones – and now, thanks to the current recreational fishery, on our plates and the plates of our guests every supper! For a few weeks now in the summer, and later in September, residents and non-residents alike are allowed to catch up to 5 fish a day, and we’re all taking advantage! The fishing’s good and easy, the fish are fresh and tasty, and I have an excuse to be out on the A Wake at Last every day – as if I needed one!

Sea Creature Spectrum

There’s nothing more beautiful and awe-inspiring than a whale (common around here now), especially seeing one on a calm, summer evening in the company of dear friends. It makes you appreciate the bounty of nature and the wonder of the seas.

And there’s nothing uglier than a sculpin, especially one staring up at you from a cooler after you’ve reeled it in. We used to catch them in Torbay but I hadn’t seen one in 50 years. It makes you appreciate the bounty of nature and the wonder of the seas!

The Fisherwomen of WWW

I was thrilled yesterday to be able to talk The Berry out of a few hours of work (no easy feat!) and get her to join me, Alf and his wife, Hilda, out on the water. The weather was great, the fishing better, the company the best! It was real fun. But …… the women kicked our butts!

Oh well. I guess what they didn’t realize is we let them catch the biggest fish so that they would want to come out with us again! It’s always nice to have women aboard!

Fillet Like A Pro


That’s the way you do it! Here’s Alf, filleting a fresh catch for our guests. He’s not even trying to go fast!