Chef Chafe: Hard to Forget

article about the doctor's houseWe work hard for all our guests, of course, and try to meet as many as we can. Some we get to spend more time with, and they leave an impression. Janice Neider is one such guest. An intrepid traveller and food writer, we loved getting to hear all her stories, and tell her those of The Doctor’s House, too – it was a memorable visi last summer.

And judging by her recent beautiful article, Chef Chafe made quite the impression on Janice as well. In appears in the recent Luxe Beat Magazine, and it’s a great read – even if we are a little biased. Janice interviewed Chris, and you’ll learn a little more about his journey to becoming the up and coming culinary star that he is. Bon reading!

Cook’s in the … Greenhouse!

Cook at our Newfoundland cottage rentals and cafeHere’s our wonderful grower, Barb George, getting up close and personal with some freshly grown peas! You may remember that this past winter we built a greenhouse. Well, as you can see, it’s up and running – and offering up lots of fresh greens for use both in Dining at The Doctor’s House and the Shag It. Cate and Chris, our Executive Chefs, are happy – and we’re even more so, because we get to enjoy the results.10414576_657541024327993_6111566468874699290_nGreens at our greenhouse at our Newfoundland cafe

Second Weekend at the Shag It

Cod wrap at our Newfoundland cafe in rural NewfoundlandIt’s hard to believe that summer is finally here – but here it is, and an open Shag It Cafe proves it. This is the second weekend that Cate Dore has run our beautiful cafe this year, serving guests – to great acclaim, we might add – from the beautiful new menu she’s created. The Berry and I will definitely be popping down for a bite – hopefully we’ll see you there!

Thanks to great guest and friend Arlene for the great shot of her Cod Father sandwich wrap, enjoyed last weekend. Stop by today or tomorrow from 11-7pm to try yours!

Savour It!

Two chefs in NewfoundlandIf you’re enjoying the 7th Annual Savour, Atlantic Canada’s premier Food & Wine Show , then you’re in for a treat tonight. Our beloved Chef Anna Dohey is pairing up with stellar up-and-comer Chris Chafe (whom you may remember from a previous fabulous weekend) to prepare what we can only imagine will be out-of-this-world – cod and salt beef croqueta, with romesco, pickled vegetables, micro-greens and smoked paprika oil. Can you say yum?

Of course, we’re lucky to have Anna prepare our meals at The Doctor’s House each weekend – so if you can’t make it to Savour, then make sure to check out our weekly menus!

Eat the Hill Day 2

Chef at Eat the Hill conference in Clarenville

This weekend, Laurelyn and I were lucky enough to represent the Legendary Coasts of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador Destination Management Organization at the brilliant, second annual Eat the Hill at the White Hills Resort in Clarenville. Here’s Day Two:

With a spectacular venue, 160 people showed up to experience seven chefs from St. John’s, Marystown, Clarenville and the Bonavista area celebrating our food in our place with our local ingredients. Yes – it was all as amazing as you would expect.

Our evening started with hors d’oeuvres and martinis, followed by a seven course meal from the seven artist/chefs. We had bread, scallops, salad, scallop bisque, halibut, dessert, and coffee.  All prepared in a unique way with a unique Newfoundland and Labrador taste.

It was one taste explosion after another. Then Kelly Ann Evans got up to entertain and again blew us away.  Like our chefs, she and her group are also great artists.  How blessed are we in this province to have such artists walk amongst us?  And better still, we are so grateful that they choose to stay here when they could make fortunes elsewhere.

The Berry and I made lots of new friends and really enjoyed ourselves.  Being a member of this organization has been such a positive experience, and it can do wonderful things for others in the Destination Management Organization. I would encourage anyone in our region to sign up and get the benefits that come with membership.  It is the best value package I have seen in a very long time.

For more pictures of Day 2, please see our Facebook page. And we love using our blog and social media to promote regional tourism events, so stay tuned to learn more about upcoming happenings as we move into spring. Tomorrow I’ll be sharing ‘Day 3’ at Eat the Hill plus some video – see you then!Martinis at local food event Eat the Hill in Clarenville Newfoundland

Another First: Homemade Jam!

Doubtless I am settling into the quiet life around the bay! I made my first jam last night, made fresh from the wild cranberries we caught in front of our Heart’s Delight Cottages and the pears I picked at Sobey’s supermarket. It was the second time making berry jam for The Berry (sounds cannibalistic to me!), so she led the charge. Either way, it was a labour of love and local ingredients!



Since we’re in for a few days of rainy weather, here’s a reminder of how great we’ve had it this season. Just last weekend we were at The Sprout for lunch. It was a gorgeous day and we decided to have healthy, vegetarian food outside with the beautiful weather and the ugly wasps. The ambience overwhelmed the wasps, and we loved every minute of eating outside in late October in St. John’s. Gotta love it!