Tuesdays with Murphy: Sleeping with the Enemy

I have no idea why, but Joe Friday somehow grew wings and is flying to Halifax for a vacation. Who needs a vacation from paradise??? Anyway, while he’s gone, his little devon rex cat, Molly, will be our houseguest.

I was a little nervous about seeing Miss Molly – I met her when I first came to Ocean Delight, and she didn’t seem to like me much. I guess to something her size I seem big and scary – when Jerry and The Berry brought her home she snarled, growled, and hissed like a demon fresh out of hell. Thankfully, to know me is to love me, and my nonchalant demeanor won her over – as you can see, we’ve even taken a few close naps together. I’m a lover, not a fighter!

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

And speaking of another beautiful friendship, I love Jerry and I love his blog. If you do, too, this week is your last chance to vote for him for a TopBlog award. It’s easy to vote, no registration necessary – simply head over to this link and find his category on the bottom left, called Best Professional or Business Life Blog. I’d vote, but I think it’s only open to human citizens!

Great Guests

Here’s a note I wanted to share from some of our great guests – Bob and Bev (and their Westies, Reggie and Molly). They’ve been with us 4 times now – and the last time they took advantage of our One Great Getaway Special (which is still available – makes a great ‘fall’ gift!). We love out ‘repeat’ guests – they start to become more friends than clients. And since we’re still a new business, it helps us to know that we’re doing something right if people want to keep coming back! Anyway, thank you to Bob and Bev for the great note and the great gift they left us last time (the remote holder you see below). Not that we expect such gifts – we’re supposed to be the one treating you! (But here’s one gift I’d love, and it’s the final time you’ll hear me ask this – today is the last day to vote for Jerry by the Sea at the Canadian Blog awards – just click here, find the Best Business and Professional Life Category at the bottom left, and vote. You don’t need to register so it couldn’t be easier. And a big thanks to everyone who voted!)