Sunset Sunday: Thanks Again, Bud

Newfoundland photographyThis blog really wouldn’t be what it is without our friend Bud Vincent sharing so many of his pictures with us. He’s an amazing photographer, and his work showcases the beauty and brilliance of this province in a way I never could. I love sunsets – they’re my muse – and I love sharing pictures of them. But never have I seen one captured so brilliantly as above. So here’s a question: anyone know where this image was taken?

Red Hat Ladies at The Doctor’s House!

Guests at our Newfoundland spa resort

You know I like using this blog to share special stories from our guests – well, get ready to start seeing some guests from The Doctor’s House now, too! I don’t spend quite as much time there (I hold down the fort at Ocean Delight most days!), so Rosemary got this picture and told me about the wonderful ladies who make up the Red Had Edison Club. I’m told it was one of the friends’ birthdays, so they surprised her with a night at The Doctor’s House. They said it was important to spend time with your girlfriends because they are the ones who will always be there for you. Judging by the stories my daughters tell me, I think they’re right!