Pretty Potholes

Newfoundland photographyAs says one of favourite Newfoundland artists, Bud Vincent, “even potholes can begin to look neato,with a little embellishment, thanks to fallen leaves and rose petals.” We love the sentiment, and will try to hone our artistic sides to see the beauty all around us (not hard in the Wonderful World of Whiteway!). Bud took this photo a few weeks ago in Harcourt, Newfoundland. If the potholes are this pretty, we can only imagine what the town is like! Happy Saturday, all.

All Creatures Great and Small

Animals at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaHere’s a recent view from our kitchen table. All our 4 leggeds – ponies, goat and sheep – side by side, each eating the fresh new grass. It was a deep-breath-moment and time to count our blessings. When we’re staying at Ocean Delight, our view is fishing boats in the harbour. Here at The Doctor’s House, it’s our beloved flock in the grass. Not sure which is better!

The Great Escape

Newfoundland ponies at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaTalk about a comedy of errors – especially for someone like Jerry who is mildly afraid of horses! A few evenings ago he was working reception at The Doctor’s House, when through our glass door he saw blurred images moving past quickly.  Knowing they couldn’t be human, he ran and opened the door – to see our 4 ponies and Eweness the Sheep on the gallivant.  They’d found a hole in the fence and taken full advantage.

The Berry was away, and Perry, our caretaker, was unreachable – so it was up to Jerry, slightly (just slightly!) afraid, to figure out how to get our animals, now on the loose, back to the safety of the barn.

So he got some apples and a bucket and went looking for the beasts. He found them in the furthest field from the barn, all smiles, munching on the fresh green grass and enjoying the sweet taste of freedom.

Shaking, a little, bucket in hand, Jerry approached Monty – the leader of the pack.  As Monty munched on his first piece, Jerry put on his rein, held the old bucket in front of his nose, and led him easily (with heart pounding) back to the barn. To his relief, the others followed their leader neatly behind him.

Back at the barn, Jerry released the horses to look for the hole in the fence.  He found it quickly, but not before the four ponies took off in full stride again, down the field and out through the hole, back to where he had last found them – laughing at him all the way.

So Jerry fixed the fence and started after them again.  Thankfully, by this point, The Berry had returned, so she much more confidently led them back to the barn.

Here is the picture we took the morning after the Great Escape.  The animals are clearly not as happy to have given up their freedom – but they are much safer now that their little adventure is over. And, it’s not like we don’t make sure they get plenty of exercise! Newfoundland ponies at our Newfoundland resort inn and spa

Tuesdays with Murphy: Bon Voyage Berry!

Goldren retrievers relax wtih the owner of our ocean front cottage rentals in NewfoundlandThe Berry works so hard, so it’s hard to be selfish – she deserves a trip to Ontario to visit her family. But who will we snuggle with on lazy Sunday afternoons? Or any day for that matter? We’ll be quite sad without her these next few weeks, we’re sure, but we wish her a fabulous vacation filled with lots of love and relaxation. And we’ll be waiting with open paws when she gets back!

Tuesdays with Murphy: St Paddy’s Hangover

celebrating st. patricks day in newfoundlandI don’t think Jerry and The Berry enjoyed too many St. Paddy’s Day libations yesterday, but it’s no fun putting away the green and revelry. So today’s blog falls on a bit of a holiday hangover. Always one to get in on the fun, Jerry dressed accordingly yesterday (reportedly down to his skivvies, though you’d have to follow us on Twitter to find proof of that!). And, as we like to say in Newfoundland, we had a time!

Tuesdays with Murphy: In the Red Corner

Golden retrievers at our Newfoundland cottagesI love it when Friday gets to sleepover – I get to have a partner in crime. Of course, here, we look like we’re reading to start our boxing match, but no worries – we’d never fight! Really, it was just raining hard the last time we had to go outside. We got drenched in 30 seconds. Thankfully, we’ve got Laurelyn to dry us off, and lots of warm places to cuddle to warm up (another reason to love our Stay In and Stay Warm package).

Tuesdays with Murphy: Poor Molly

Devon Rex in NewfoundlandJoe sent us this picture of sweet Molly, his Devon Rex, recouping after a night in the hospital. She was having a bit of a rough time with what the two leggeds think were digestive problems. Thankfully, she has a new diet, and more than her fair share of love from Joe and Friday to get her better. We’re happy to report she’s on the mend!

Tuesday with Murphy: Friday Chills

Golden Retriever in NewfoundlandSo I know the two leggeds have had a lot to deal with lately, with all the storms, power outages, cancellations, you name it. And I know MY two leggeds have had lots of work to do on top of that (something about staff meetings, promotions, new Valentine’s Day at The Doctor’s House plans, who knows). But I don’t worry about the hustle. I like to take a page from my brother, Murphy’s book – just chill! Because he is one cool dog, and nothing’s going to convince him otherwise!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Happy New Year!

Golden retriever in NewfoundlandHappy New Year from all of us at Ocean Delight, two-leggeds and four-leggeds alike! Here’s Friday, all decked out and ready to party. We’re very excited, of course, as tonight we’ll be hosting our very first New Year’s Eve Special at The Doctor’s House. With a team like ours, and a little direction from me and Friday, I think we’ll do great! Stay tuned to Facebook, as we’ll let you know how it goes there.