Welcome, Ginger!

New horse at Ocean DelightWednesday was a very special for us and for Laurelyn in particular. That’s because it’s the day we welcomed Ginger the Belgian to our little farm family – and we got to meet some fine people at the same time.

Ginger comes to us from the White family, who very tragically lost their husband and father, Dave, last fall. It was a terrible loss for the family and the community. Ginger had been Dave’s horse of choice, and they needed a new home for a her.

So in these pictures, you see Gloria, her daughter Kathleen, our friend and neighbour, Clifford George, and two great Newfoundland horsemen, Art and Fred Coles.  They all pitched in to make Gloria’s move as pain free as possible

It took a little coaxing by Kathleen, Clifford and Art, but we eventually got Ginger into the trailer.  And then it took nothing to get her out at The Doctor’s House.  She was welcomed immediately by her new family, as they took to each other and then to the fields. She looks a bit the giant among our Newfoundland ponies, but she’s a gentle one, and none of them seem to notice or care anyway.

 Ginger is a pure Belgian and won ‘Most Obedient’ horse in Newfoundland and Labrador two years in a row. When she’s not enjoying our pastures overlooking the ocean and enjoying the company of the 4 ponies, we expect she’ll also be great help in our weddings, pulling our beautiful carriage.  Laurelyn is also hoping to be able to make enough time to ride her on a regular basis (hence, the big smiles from The Berry!).

So, we’re very excited to welcome Ginger to the fold! But we know she will always be Dave’s horse, and Gloria and her family will always be welcome anytime at The Doctor’s House, to come visit, groom, play, ride and whatever else. In our eyes, we consider Ginger a loan, and one we’re very grateful for and intend to treasure. And isn’t that really the way it is – we are all only loaned to this earth for a very short time, and must treasure every blessing we have. getting a new horse in newfoundland