Sunset Sunday: Truly Stunning

Sunset in Newfoundlnad

Today’s Sunday Sunset comes from brilliant photographer Bud Vincent, who captures the beauty of Newfoundland in a profound way I never could. Please read the words he attached to the picture – quite inspirational:
“As I walked along the shoreline here in Harcourt tonight and saw images like this right before me, I just could not help but think, how blessed we are in this province to see and appreciate images all over the province such as these. It kept reminding me of the time I first heard this gospel song: it was titled ” The Wonderful Wonders of God.”…It was in Grand Falls, many moons ago…It was a bright sun shiny Saturday morning, and both my wife and I were travelling through Central Newfoundland. We stopped in to Grand Falls, particularly in the shopping area. Just before we did we could hear music and voices coming from somewhere. Finally, we came upon an outdoor Gospel hour type of activity..And, this beautiful song was being sung by a young man. It just stopped me in my tracks – I eventually purchased an album that he had produced. And, for many many many years I used to ‘hum’ or try to sing that song.. I just wanted to share a line or so of that song. Because this is how it makes me feel when I see so much beauty around us. And, for those of you who know me, I make sure that I capture some of those images ddigitally and to share them …

So, these images remind me of a line in that song: ‘the wonders of God, we see every day, the wonders of God in constant display..oh the wonderful wonders of God…’.”

Thanks for sharing, Bud, as always!Sunset in Newfoundland