Tuesdays with Murphy: Life Lesson

Golden retriever and devon rex cat at our newfoundland cottage rentalsHere’s a life lesson about persistence, patience, forgiveness and love. You may remember that when Molly, our Devon Rex four-legged, joined our Ocean Delight family, I was actually frightened of her, despite our size difference. She came to us fearful, with some sadness in her past, and she did not take to me one bit – in fact, she did quite the opposite, often scratching and biting without justification. But I never gave up hope of a relationship, and I never responded with anything but grace and kindness. And now – this photo says it all. We’ve become cuddle buddies, keeping each other warm in this cold winter. I feel truly blessed!

Tuesdays with Murphy: In the Red Corner

Golden retrievers at our Newfoundland cottagesI love it when Friday gets to sleepover – I get to have a partner in crime. Of course, here, we look like we’re reading to start our boxing match, but no worries – we’d never fight! Really, it was just raining hard the last time we had to go outside. We got drenched in 30 seconds. Thankfully, we’ve got Laurelyn to dry us off, and lots of warm places to cuddle to warm up (another reason to love our Stay In and Stay Warm package).

Tuesday with Murphy: Friday Chills

Golden Retriever in NewfoundlandSo I know the two leggeds have had a lot to deal with lately, with all the storms, power outages, cancellations, you name it. And I know MY two leggeds have had lots of work to do on top of that (something about staff meetings, promotions, new Valentine’s Day at The Doctor’s House plans, who knows). But I don’t worry about the hustle. I like to take a page from my brother, Murphy’s book – just chill! Because he is one cool dog, and nothing’s going to convince him otherwise!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Snowy Walk

Two golden retrievers on a walk in NewfoundlandWith limited power comes limited blogging. Although, without opposable thumbs, I don’t see what the big fuss is about (I just love the extra cuddles!), Jerry’s given me limited time to write my weekly post. How rude! Anyway, here’s me and Friday enjoying a snowy walk, for what it’s worth!

And a hint if your power-less first weekend of the new year was less than fun: we’ve got a special, second-night-for-$99 offer running through March at The Doctor’s House – it could be just what the doctor ordered!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Happy New Year!

Golden retriever in NewfoundlandHappy New Year from all of us at Ocean Delight, two-leggeds and four-leggeds alike! Here’s Friday, all decked out and ready to party. We’re very excited, of course, as tonight we’ll be hosting our very first New Year’s Eve Special at The Doctor’s House. With a team like ours, and a little direction from me and Friday, I think we’ll do great! Stay tuned to Facebook, as we’ll let you know how it goes there.

The Fridays

golden retriever in newfoundlandSince Joe Friday took Dog Friday under his wing a few months ago, they’ve become fast friends. With a dog as sweet as Friday, it would be impossible not to fall in love. Thanks to Chef Anna Dohey, who has prepared the menu for our gourmet New Year’s Eve feast, for the great shots. Golden retriever and owner hug in NewfoundlandGolden retriever in NewfoundlandAnd don’t forget, there’s still time to make a reservation for our New Year’s Eve at The Doctor’s House, complete with gourmet fine dining by the fire, champagne, live music and fireworks at midnight. See here for more details.

Tuesday with Murphy: Merry Christmas Eve!

relaxing in Newfoundland at ChrismtasMy humans seem to think that Christmas is a time of extra indulgence, plenty of rest and extra time for loved ones. Friday and I won’t argue with that! We love our ‘couch time’ with The Berry (or Jerry, of Joe, or pretty much any warm body that wants to snuggle up). So as you wait for Santa tonight (we’re excited for the 8 exotic four leggeds that should be flying by!), I hope you have someone to cuddle with, too.

Tuesdays with Murphy: Best Buds

Golden retriever and devon rex relax at our ocean front cottagesI was thrilled when Friday, this sweet new golden retriever, joined our Ocean Delight family – I knew we were going to get along great! However, Molly, Joe’s Devon Rex, is quite the character (is that what you call ‘damning with faint praise?’). We’ve grown to love each other, but I wasn’t sure how she was going to take to a new comer.

Turns out, she’s taken to him swimmingly! Looks like Friday warmed her heart much quicker than even I could, and the two are happy to cuddle and relax together at Joe’s new spot at The Doctor’s House (which has just extended its spa specials, by the way!).

Today Jerry, one of my two best buds, is speaking at a luncheon for Irish Loop Chamber of Commerce – wish him luck!

Tuesdays with Murphy: Friends Relax


Golden retriever and devon rex cat at our ocean front Newfoundland cottagesAs our Ocean Delight family has grown (from some small cottages to now including the Shag It, still open for private functions and holiday get-togethers, and The Doctor’s House), so too has the number of four-leggeds who get to relax on a Sunday afternoon. Here’s Molly, our famed Devon Rex, and Friday, our new Murphy-imposter, enjoying lots of free time at Joe’s. Sunday’s my favourite day of the week, too – it’s the only time I can get Jerry and Laurelyn to stop working for a few hours! Anyway, here’s to lots more warm, cuddle sessions as the holidays get closer.

Tuesdays with Murphy: Friday Settles In

Golden Retriever in NewfoundlandI’m happy to report that Friday, our new four-legged who takes care of Joe Friday, is settling in nicely at the The Doctor’s House. Sometimes we get to play, and I know he loves playing with all the farm animals there. Plus, he gets to romp in this garden everyday, so I’d say he’s a happy camper. Except now that The Doctor’s House is fully licensed and serving dinner by reservation on the weekends, Joe’s busier than ever!