Happy Halloween from Ocean Delight!

Halloween pumpkins in NewfoundlandBig Halloween greetings from our whole, big family here at Ocean Delight, and wishes for a safe, enjoyable evening. We don’t tend to get many trick-o-treaters here at the cottages – certainly not as many as we’d like! Not like in the days when my children were young, and our streets were filled with the sounds of laughter and candy wrappers unwrapping. To all the young families out there, I urge you to enjoy every last second – it doesn’t last!

Happy Halloween from Ocean Delight Cottages

Halloween CandyJust wanted to take a minute to wish everyone a safe and happy Halloween. Sadly, we got no trick-or-treaters last year, but we’re keeping our fingers crossed for a few tonight.

I’m sure most parents know all the usual safety tricks – avoid dark clothing and masks, go in groups, make sure your children can’t trip in their costumes – but see here for a full list of safety tips from Health Canada.

We’ve got lots of four-leggeds, which reminds me to remind you to also keep your pets safe this holiday. Try to keep them indoors, make sure your dogs can’t find a way to get into all that chocolate, and if your pet is anxious around strangers, keep him away from trick-or-treaters. There’s so many cute pet costumes out there – make sure yours isn’t a choking hazard (and we’d love to see pics if you have them!).

I’m hoping we all enjoy this fun evening. One final tip from a father of 3 who’s ‘been there-done that’: get your children to eat a full meal before they go out collecting candy. It makes it easier for them to avoid the temptation of sneaking treats out of their bag before they get home, and also helps curb the eventual candy-gorge later that evening. Other than that, go nuts, get candy, and have fun!

Halloween Treats: Pirates in the Fields

The Berry and I stumbled on the perfect Halloween trick/treat a couple days early when we found this pirate hiding in the grass while on an oceanfront hike. We were out for a romantic walk (with Murphy in tow) when Laurelyn noticed this face peeking out over the grass. Maybe he marks a buried treasure ….

Of course we named him Peter, after Peter Easton, the famous privateer turned pirate who patrolled the shores off Newfoundland in the 1600s. I’m more interested in Gilbert Pike, who worked for Easton and eventually settled in Harbour Grace, Mosquito and Carbonear. That’s because my grandmother was a Pike from Carbonear. Maybe I have pirate blood!

So if you’re little ones are dressing up as pirates, princesses, monsters or faries (the latter of which I know some ladies who most definitely believe they exist!), I hope you all have a safe night trick-or-treating. We’re hoping to get some kids over this way.

And finally, today is the last full day to vote for Jerry by the Sea for a Canadian Blog Award. If you haven’t yet, please take a second to swing over to the voting site – I’m in the category Best Business and Professional Life Blog on the bottom left. You don’t have to log-in or register or anything to vote – so it will only take you 1 minute to make my day!