Welcome, Ginger!

New horse at Ocean DelightWednesday was a very special for us and for Laurelyn in particular. That’s because it’s the day we welcomed Ginger the Belgian to our little farm family – and we got to meet some fine people at the same time.

Ginger comes to us from the White family, who very tragically lost their husband and father, Dave, last fall. It was a terrible loss for the family and the community. Ginger had been Dave’s horse of choice, and they needed a new home for a her.

So in these pictures, you see Gloria, her daughter Kathleen, our friend and neighbour, Clifford George, and two great Newfoundland horsemen, Art and Fred Coles.  They all pitched in to make Gloria’s move as pain free as possible

It took a little coaxing by Kathleen, Clifford and Art, but we eventually got Ginger into the trailer.  And then it took nothing to get her out at The Doctor’s House.  She was welcomed immediately by her new family, as they took to each other and then to the fields. She looks a bit the giant among our Newfoundland ponies, but she’s a gentle one, and none of them seem to notice or care anyway.

 Ginger is a pure Belgian and won ‘Most Obedient’ horse in Newfoundland and Labrador two years in a row. When she’s not enjoying our pastures overlooking the ocean and enjoying the company of the 4 ponies, we expect she’ll also be great help in our weddings, pulling our beautiful carriage.  Laurelyn is also hoping to be able to make enough time to ride her on a regular basis (hence, the big smiles from The Berry!).

So, we’re very excited to welcome Ginger to the fold! But we know she will always be Dave’s horse, and Gloria and her family will always be welcome anytime at The Doctor’s House, to come visit, groom, play, ride and whatever else. In our eyes, we consider Ginger a loan, and one we’re very grateful for and intend to treasure. And isn’t that really the way it is – we are all only loaned to this earth for a very short time, and must treasure every blessing we have. getting a new horse in newfoundland

Our Little Ponies

Newfoundland PoniesRecently, our good friend Shirley George visited us at The Doctor’s House and took lots of stunning photos – you can see some more of them here. Of course, our favourite shots were of the Newfoundland ponies (enjoying their new fence, we might add). They’re our favourites probably for the same reason that, despite all the riches and beauty of this place, almost everyone seems to love the ponies best. They’re so gentle and friendly, love people, and of course are just beauties, too. We have to ask – have you pet a Newfoundland pony today?

To see more photos of the ponies in actin, check out this album on our Facebook page!


Our animals at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaHere’s Beauty, Eweness and Rosie spending their afternoon like we’re hoping you’re spending your Sunday afternoon – maxing and relaxing! There’s lots going on around here like always, and our menagerie is growing (stay tuned, we’ll share some photos soon of our new four-leggeds), so sometimes these ladies just need their quiet time! We’re working on our Goat Park, so that all our sweet creatures have lots of room on easy street. What a life!

Days of Yore

Here’s groundskeeper and husbandry expert, Perry Oliver, using a scythe to cut fresh grass for our horses. They’ve already eaten most of the grass in their current pasture, so we’re creating another one for them that should keep them going all summer. In the meantime, they need their daily greens!

We couldn’t operate The Doctor’s House without all the skills and wisdom Perry brings to the table. His knowledge of animals’ physical needs and psychiatry is amazing, and he keeps all our four-leggeds happy.  And schything is a dying skill that not many can do anymore. Everyday, some new task pops up that makes us really grateful to have Perry on board, as he redefines ‘Jack of all Trades’ and then some.

Bridie and The Berry

Newfoundland pony at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaEveryone leads busy lives these days. We certainly do, as we navigate a new industry, and we know all our friends and colleagues work hard, too. Add in all our devices and on-the-go culture, and it’s hard to unplug! That’s why we love our animals, big and small. They force you to slow down, without your screens and cell phones, and live in the moment while you care for them. Here’s The Berry and Bridie, our Newfoundland pony, going through their evening ritual. It’s truly a blessing!

The Great Escape

Newfoundland ponies at our Newfoundland resort inn and spaTalk about a comedy of errors – especially for someone like Jerry who is mildly afraid of horses! A few evenings ago he was working reception at The Doctor’s House, when through our glass door he saw blurred images moving past quickly.  Knowing they couldn’t be human, he ran and opened the door – to see our 4 ponies and Eweness the Sheep on the gallivant.  They’d found a hole in the fence and taken full advantage.

The Berry was away, and Perry, our caretaker, was unreachable – so it was up to Jerry, slightly (just slightly!) afraid, to figure out how to get our animals, now on the loose, back to the safety of the barn.

So he got some apples and a bucket and went looking for the beasts. He found them in the furthest field from the barn, all smiles, munching on the fresh green grass and enjoying the sweet taste of freedom.

Shaking, a little, bucket in hand, Jerry approached Monty – the leader of the pack.  As Monty munched on his first piece, Jerry put on his rein, held the old bucket in front of his nose, and led him easily (with heart pounding) back to the barn. To his relief, the others followed their leader neatly behind him.

Back at the barn, Jerry released the horses to look for the hole in the fence.  He found it quickly, but not before the four ponies took off in full stride again, down the field and out through the hole, back to where he had last found them – laughing at him all the way.

So Jerry fixed the fence and started after them again.  Thankfully, by this point, The Berry had returned, so she much more confidently led them back to the barn.

Here is the picture we took the morning after the Great Escape.  The animals are clearly not as happy to have given up their freedom – but they are much safer now that their little adventure is over. And, it’s not like we don’t make sure they get plenty of exercise! Newfoundland ponies at our Newfoundland resort inn and spa

Last Sleigh Ride of the Season

Sleigh Ride in rural NewfoundlandThere are few things in the world more delightful than Clifford out with his Newfoundland Pony, Annie. His wife Shirley sent us these shots from last week, from what they believe will be the last sleigh ride of the season. She reports that the paths have broken down in the woods, and the sun is gaining its power, so it’s time to put the wintertime fun away. But we’re sure these rides were a bright spot in an otherwise dark season! Sleighride with Newfoundland ponySleighride with Newfoundland PonySleighride with Newfoundland poniesThanks for Clifford and Shirley for sharing this fun event. And if you’d like to see this sleigh-ride live, then check our this video!

Thanks, Paul!

Ponies at our newfoundland resort inn and spaWe like to share beautiful Newfoundland photography when we can (we try our best to get great shots, but we’re not artists!). Thanks to our neighbour at The Doctor’s House, Paul Seymour, for sharing this gorgeous shot of our ponies enjoying their lunch and a sunny day. And have a great weekend!

Welcome Eweness

Sheep at our Newfoundland resort and innThis weekend was a special one for our Ocean Delight/The Doctor’s House family – we are now one sheep bigger. Thanks to The Berry who found her, we welcomed Eweness, our first sheep ever, to the menagerie.

Eweness is sweet and pretty, and may be pregnant – so we might have more sheep soon!    She comes to us from Denise Critch, who rescued her from the meat-truck last Monday. Denise already has a barn-full of animals, and since we have extra room we were more than happy to take this little sheep.

Bringing a sheep to our Newfoundland inn and spa

We picked Eweness up on Saturday, and she was nervous and skittish, as you’d expect.  We were actually a little anxious about how introducing her to Mrs. Roosevelt the Goat.  Eweness had been scorned by the goats at her previous home, so we wanted it all to go smoothly.  We prepared a special place in the barn so we could introduce her to Rosie gradually.

Turns out we had nothing to worry about. When Perry put her in the pen with Rosie, they acted like reunited sisters. We had felt that Rosie needed a buddy for a while – that became clear when we saw them together. Eweness started to think she was a goat and tried jumping all over like Rosies does.  Rosie thought she was a sheep and kissed her several times.

The ponies also seemed to welcome Eweness. When Denise and Jasmine, her previous owners, came to check on her, they were delighted to see how quickly she was accepted by her peers and how truly happy she seems to be here.

Apparently, we need to leave her inside for a couple of days so that it sinks in that this is her new home.  Once she adjusts to the new smells and animals,  she’ll be attached to her new family. We’re learning lots. Two years we had no animals. Now we have a whole menagerie – 4 ponies, a goat, geese, chickens, ducks, two golden retrievers, a Devon Rex and now, happily, a new lamb! And we’re happy that she’s here in time to help us celebrate Valentine’s!Our new sheep in rural Newfoundland

If you’re like to see more photos of Eweness, you’ll find them on our Facebook page. And if you’d like to hear more about our Valentine’s special, please do so here.

Summer Memories

Horses at our Newfoundland resort

Here is a great picture recently sent to me by Paul Davis, Minister of Child, Youth and Family services and a good friend of mine. He took it when he, his wife Cheryl and special friends came out to The Doctor’s House to celebrate his clean bill of health and victory over cancer.

Paul is a singular human being who has done a lot for individuals and the public at large. He is an important part of the Newfoundland mosaic, and it is our honour to count him a friend and to have welcomed him to our Inn.

This picture certainly reminds us of the warmth of the summer sun. Thankfully, winter is better when we’re cozy, and when Christmas is coming. We’re so excited for Christmas at The Doctor’s House this year (all of The Berry’s family is coming) and for the fun New Year’s Eve we’re starting to plan. It’ll be here before you know it.