Getting Ready

Dining Room at our Newfoundland inn and spaChristmas was joyful this year, but now that it’s behind us, our focus in on New Year’s Eve. We’re making sure we have everything in line for the experience we’re offering at The Doctor’s House. It’s our first time celebrating New Year’s there, and we’re doing it right, with fine dining by the fire compliments of our fantastic Chef Anna Dohey, live music from local kind of country singer and guitarist Charlie Crocker, and champagne, noisemakers and fireworks at midnight. It should be a really fun, memorable night – so we’re doing the prep work now to make sure it all goes well. Welcome sign at our Newfoundland resort and hotel

Thanks to Leonard Howlett for the great photos. He’s a great Newfoundland artist whose work we now feature in our gift shop at The Doctor’s House – please check it out the next time you visit!

55 Years of Wedded Bliss

Guests at The Doctor's House in NewfoundlandWe recently had the pleasure at The Doctor’s House of helping this lovely couple, Brenda and Steve, celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary. I had to share the email they sent us after their stay:

“Hi Jerry and Laurelyn,

We have been treated royally by Anna, Joe and Rosemary. We are truly happy to have chosen the Doctors House to celebrate our very special Anniversary. 55 years of wedded bliss! As we were married in Dublin it seemed apt to be in the Irish Doctors House!

We succeeded in doing something that we have not done for a very very long time, which is doing absolutely nothing!! We explored the house and are so impressed to see your progress since we visited on the day before opening and Laurelyn showed us through.

It has been frigid and so we have not been out and about. Anna made us a delicious lunch today and dinner last night was perfect. We are sipping a Pinot Grigio right now in your sunroom. Lots of happy people in the dining room having a Christmas get together. Warm atmosphere all round.

Wishing you both a Merry Christmas and many blessings in 2014.

Brenda and Steve”

To Brenda and Steve, a hearty congratulations again, best wishes, and Happy Holidays – and thanks for the great feedback.

Legendary Coasts at The Doctor’s House

Board Meeting in Newfoudland

Since becoming involved in the hospitality business, The Berry and I have learned lots and reached out to local organizations, and thankfully, there’s lots of support in this wonderful community. Namely, the Legendary Coasts of Eastern Newfoundland District Management Organization (formerly known as EDMO), has been an invaluable resource. I actually became the Vice Chair at our Annual Meeting in November, and we’re excited to continue to work to promote the region.

We recently had a meeting at The Doctor’s House, which was exciting on many levels, not the least of which it being our first corporate meeting here. We got lots of great feedback, which is to be expected when Joe Friday serves dessert trays like this one!Deserts at a board meeting in Newfoundland

Dinner at The Doctor’s House

Fine Dining in NewfoundlandOne of our favourite new endeavors lately has been dinner at The Doctor’s House, exquisitely prepared by our new chef, Anna, who was previously responsible for Tea Room at the Garden at MUN Botanical Gardens. This was a retirement dinner for some RBC ladies, where we served Cornish hen and apricot glazed salmon, which was all a big hit Please follow us on Facebook if you’re interested in hearing next weekend’s menu!

Dinner at The Doctor’s House

Dinner at The Doctor's HouseWhen one door closes, another opens. We decided to close the Shag It for regular business for the remainder of the fall and winter (we were just too darn busy!), but The Doctor’s House is now fully licensed and serving dinners. We’ve enjoyed having guests eat there these past few weekends. You don’t have to be a guest to enjoy a meal here – simply call 582.2754 or email

On this particular evening, Joe tells me our guests were 4 sisters, who enjoyed cod au gratin to start, and seafood linguine with scollops and shrimp. Joe also accommodated a dairy and gluten free guest with roast chicken.  Dessert was poached pears with a bathed in cloves and cinnamon, topped with berries, whipped cream and a shot of brandy. Laurelyn’s kicking herself for not getting some herself!Dessert in Newfoundland

Autumn of the Year

Autumn in NewfoundlandIt’s the fall of the year, and I’m sharing this beautiful picture from Newfoundland photographer, Bud Vincent, to remind us to stop and, well, if not smell the roses, then appreciate the leaves. There’s beauty all around us, not just but especially in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, too. As it gets colder and the nights get longer, we’ve also been quite busy. So we’ve decided to cut back on the Shag It – we’ll now only be opening for private functions and group reservations. But The Doctor’s House is now fully licensed, and open for dinner reservations each weekend. Proving that when one door closes, a window opens. We hope you’ll join us there.

On the Rocks!

Rocks on the beach in NewfoundlandThere is beauty all around us and it is free.  I took this picture in front of the house.  I was watching a beautiful sunset and looked down at my feet.  Wow – simple beauty in simple things.

Keep it simple is a good philosophy – “the main thing to remember is that the main thing is the main thing.” We had a great weekend at the Shag It, we’re excited about our new weddings planned at The Doctor’s House, and now that things are a little slower, we can catch a breath and figure out how best to use our time in the Wonderful World of Whiteway. How sweet is that!

Love from Drover’s

Our tee shirt for our Newfoundland cafeIf you follow our blog, you know we love Drover’s, our local general store (if they don’t have it, you don’t need it). Here’s the ladies showing us some Shag It Cafe love in their matching tee shirts. Love it!

Remember that we always post our weekend specials beforehand on our Shag It Menu, so check it out! Tonight we’ve got chili, tomorrow is a soup, sandwich and dessert combo, and Sunday is Roast Beef Dinner. I can’t wait!

Fine Dining

Guests at our Newfoundland cafe

One of the great thing about having our businesses so close is that we can better meet the needs of all of our guests. Here are guests from the The Doctor’s House, enjoying an evening at the Shag It Cafe (only a 5 minute drive).  This night, Joe Friday served them then drove them back, lit a fire in the fireplace and chatted them up for an hour. And that, by the way, is one of the great things about having Joe to help us!

Keep in mind that the Shag It is opened weekends (and lots of fun), and this weekend we’ll be featuring Fish and Brews (tonight), Pea Soup (on Saturday), Turkey Dinner and Deep Dish Turkey Florentine Pie (on Sunday). See our website for more details about daily specials and when you can join us!

All Dressed Up

Thanksgiving Dinner at our Newfoundland cafeThis past Thanksgiving weekend was our first holiday at the Shag It Cafe, and we loved doing it up right! Here it is, all decked out it in its Sunday finest. Laurelyn did a fantastic job planning a fantastic weekend, and of course our fantastic staff did a great job, too. Thanks to all who came out, and stay tuned to the blog or on Facebook to hear about upcoming events (hint: we’ve got lots planned up our sleeves!).

And please note, we’ll be having a Turkey Dinner again this Sunday, served all day, plus a Deep Dish Turkey Florentine Pie, too. For more details about our weekend menu, please see here.