Apres Le Storm

Shag Rock after a big stormThanks to Gonzalo we had a very wet weekend – but a very nice one, too. We had a wedding with a beautiful couple that went well despite the weather, and I had some nice quiet, contemplative moments, drinking some coffee, listening to the rain, and relaxing. I do love rain – it cleanses the soul.  A good rain is almost like a good cry. And thanks to Gonzalo, we had a great ‘cry’ this weekend!

Stormy Thoughts

Here’s a shot captured by one of our guests a few weeks ago in Long Point Cove, at our Heart’s Delight cottages. I’m inclined to call our beach-front cabins a ‘Storm Watcher’s Paradise,’ but after all the destruction wrought last week that doesn’t seem quite so appropriate to say now. We get our share of wild weather here on this little rock in the ocean, but thankfully, so far and God-willing, we’ve been spared many of the worst storms like our southern neighbours. My oldest daughter lives in Virginia, and thanks to our years living in the US, we have plenty of dear friends living all along the Eastern Shoreboard. Like we all have been, our thoughts are with them, wishing a speedy recovery and calmer weather in the future.