The Fridays

golden retriever in newfoundlandSince Joe Friday took Dog Friday under his wing a few months ago, they’ve become fast friends. With a dog as sweet as Friday, it would be impossible not to fall in love. Thanks to Chef Anna Dohey, who has prepared the menu for our gourmet New Year’s Eve feast, for the great shots. Golden retriever and owner hug in NewfoundlandGolden retriever in NewfoundlandAnd don’t forget, there’s still time to make a reservation for our New Year’s Eve at The Doctor’s House, complete with gourmet fine dining by the fire, champagne, live music and fireworks at midnight. See here for more details.

55 Years of Wedded Bliss

Guests at The Doctor's House in NewfoundlandWe recently had the pleasure at The Doctor’s House of helping this lovely couple, Brenda and Steve, celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary. I had to share the email they sent us after their stay:

“Hi Jerry and Laurelyn,

We have been treated royally by Anna, Joe and Rosemary. We are truly happy to have chosen the Doctors House to celebrate our very special Anniversary. 55 years of wedded bliss! As we were married in Dublin it seemed apt to be in the Irish Doctors House!

We succeeded in doing something that we have not done for a very very long time, which is doing absolutely nothing!! We explored the house and are so impressed to see your progress since we visited on the day before opening and Laurelyn showed us through.

It has been frigid and so we have not been out and about. Anna made us a delicious lunch today and dinner last night was perfect. We are sipping a Pinot Grigio right now in your sunroom. Lots of happy people in the dining room having a Christmas get together. Warm atmosphere all round.

Wishing you both a Merry Christmas and many blessings in 2014.

Brenda and Steve”

To Brenda and Steve, a hearty congratulations again, best wishes, and Happy Holidays – and thanks for the great feedback.

In My Heart’s Delight

Heart's Delight in NewfoundlandSometimes, Laurelyn and I like to spend time in our cottages in Heart’s Delight. It’s nice to spend the weekend where our journey began around two years ago. It is hard to imagine we didn’t own these cottages until Nov. 26, 2011. Spending time here, looking out the window, puts it all in perspective. This place is magical and therapeutic – and so worth all the time and energy we give it. Even as we approach the winter months, we’re still so lucky to be able to get out here every chance we get. If you’d like your own magic and therapy, stay tuned and please sign up for our mailing list, as we’ll be sending out a new offer from the cottages soon.

Add a Little Romance

Maybe it’s because I had to spend last night alone as The Berry had a girls’ night at Heart’s Delight with some of her friends from town, but I’m in the mood to talk about romance. And maybe do a little promotion, too – hey, I am running a business here after all! We’ve had several guests now take advantage of our One Great Getaway special, and it’s so great when they do. I know I’m just at an old romantic at heart – I think I get more pleasure out of setting up their wine and cheese baskets than they do!

There’s only a few weeks left, so don’t miss out if you’re interested in a weekend filled with extra goodies. What I’m learning from being so busy in our first year running this business is that it’s so important to put your relationship first, and little things make a big difference. Plus, what could be more fun than watching the sunset in these baby blues with your loved one?

And finally (are you sick of it yet??), please consider voting me for the TopBlog awards if you enjoy reading my blog (click here, then find my category – Best Professional or Business Life Blog – on the bottom left, no log-in necessary). I write this mainly for pleasure, but what can I say – the positive feedback is nice!

Berry Nice

Here’s The Berry, my partner in crime – this blog may seem Jerry-centric, but these cottages certainly aren’t. I’ve never seen anyone work like she does. And there’s been plenty to do around here in our first year.

Anyway, we’re hoping to get to relax a little bit this weekend. Seems like we only get minutes, not even hours, to ourselves these days, so we have to take advantage of every opportunity we get. What are your plans?

And please, if you have a second and you enjoy reading my daily posts, I’d appreciate your vote for the TopBlogs award – just go to this link (no log-in needed), find the Best Professional Life category on the bottom left, and vote away! Thank yoU!

The Great Kidnapping

Talk about your romantic getaway! This past weekend Ocean Delight was the scene of a kidnaping, but I don’t think the ‘victim’ was too concerned: Susan brought her husband, but didn’t tell him where they were going until they got here! And the surprise kicker for us is that Alan is an old, long lost friend, going back 20 years. So they got to enjoy a weekend away, and we got to enjoy catching up and making up for lost time. Win win! And check out our current promotion which helps you plan the perfect romantic getaway, too.

They also brought their dog, Annie, who (if you remember yesterday’s blog) made quite an impression on Murphy!

Tuesdays with Murphy: More Puppy Love

Another great thing about my new life at the cottages: there’s no shortage of lady four-leggeds making visits! This weekend, Annie brought out her humans, Alan and Susan, for a romantic surprise weekend (I think Jerry plans on blogging about them!). The humans were nice, but it was their guardian I was more concerned with!

We played and swam and talked to each other every chance we got. And although she can run faster than me, she is no match for me in the water. I guess that’s because I get so much practice, what with Jerry and The Berry needing me to fetch things in the Atlantic each day. Anyway, you know the drill – I let her beat me a few times. That’s the only way to be a gentleman!

Talkin ‘Bout 3 Generations

This post may not be expressly about daily life at the cottages, but close enough. Laurelyn is my brilliant and hard-working (you might say, overly hard-working) partner and if anyone ever deserved a vacation, it was her. Which is what she did last week, when she went to Ontario to visit with her lovely family. I love Ontario, and we get lots of guests from that great province. Laurelyn enjoyed her visit, and I had to share this beautiful shot of her with her mother and daughter – three generations in a row!

Love is in the (Ocean) Air

We had another first here at the cottages, of the best kind. Corey proposed to Amanda while staying in The Gannet, and she said ‘yes’ – and we couldn’t be happier for them. We felt blessed to be involved in the process in even a small way. Corey and Amanda were clearly made for each other, their smiles bigger than the diamond, their obvious love for each other making the mood here sweet and electric at the same time. Am I rambling? Don’t blame me – blame it on the young love!

While it’s too early to have set a date yet, we wish Corey and Amanda all the best and hope to see them back. They’ll at least have to send us some wedding photos!