Health Kick

healthy lunchI’m on another health kick, folks. My daughters can probably give you a more accurate number of how many of these I’ve been on (let’s just say it’s lots). But I’m committed to this one, as I’m getting older and have to be more conscious of this stuff. This is what my typical lunch looks like. And even though it’s a Saturday, I’m not going to turn it into a cheat. Well, maybe only a little!

Lunch Time

Animals at our barnNothing like goats for never being full enough. Lunchtime is always quite a show! As you can see, Jack and Jill, our babies, are getting bigger. And they’re all working to lighten our trash load. No better way to get rid of organics than with, well, more organics! Happy Saturday – and don’t forget, our special at the Shag It today is Homemade Baked Beans, so come stop by for a filling lunch of your own!

Shag It – It’s Father’s Day!

Bread Pudding at our Newfoundland cafe in rural NewfoundlandJust a reminder (ahem, my three daughters!) that this coming Sunday is Father’s Day. And a head’s up, too, that we’ll be featuring a special Father’s Day Dinner at the Shag It. On offer – soup or salad, homemade buttermilk biscuits, a three course old-fashioned roast beef dinner, and Chef Cate’s Almost Famous Bread Pudding (looks good, doesn’t it?). Find all the details, plus how to make your reservation, here.

Thanks to guests Stephen and Kayla for the lovely photo!

Mother’s Day Luncheon a Success

Guests at our Ocean front Newfoundland cafeThanks to all the lovely mothers and families who came to our Mother’s Day Luncheon and spent the afternoon with us. It was our new Executive Chef Chris Chafe’s first big function, and, judging by the reception, he pulled off his beautiful menu swimmingly!

We hosted our lunch at our Shag It Cafe, which will be opening for full traffic this weekend (!!!). Chris was helped by Chef Cate Dorr, who will actually be running the Shag It this summer, too – stay tuned, as we’ll be revealing her new menu soon. And our helpers Holly and Marina were great, too.

All in all, it was a great day, and we loved helping these families celebrate this special holiday. Above are a mother with her four daughters, who joined us from The Goulds, and below, four neighbours out to celebrate. It was our treat to serve them all!Guests at our Newfoundland resort inn and spa

Lunch Break

Construction Worker in NewfoundlandMike has been working for us at The Doctor’s House, and doing fantastic work, despite being wrecked by allergies (with so many flowers, it’s probably not the best place to work if you have them!). It was a beautiful day that he took his lunch break outside. It was so gorgeous we all should have joined him!