Moon Set

moon riseIt’s always a delight when I rise early enough to see the moon set. It’s a bit easier now that the mornings are getting later. The real kicker is a beautiful sunset in the evening, and a contemplative moon set in the morning. That’s pretty easy here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, and just about all the awe-inspiring nature one could possible hope to enjoy in a 24 hour period.

Pretty Early

moon over the oceanWhat can I say? I’m an early riser. Here was Mr. Moon about to take a swim just to the left of Shag Rock, about 5am in the morning.  Magical? Of course. Worth getting up for before the crack of dawn? You betcha – at least for me. Although, if you’re like most people I know and love, I hope you’re sleeping in on this Saturday morning!

Moon Beams

Moon Beams over Shag Rock in Whiteway NewfoundlandSo many scenes of the sun rising, falling or shining over Shag Rock, and not enough of the beautiful moon. I was working late last night, and looked up with bloodshot eyes to see this rare sight – the moon hanging over Shag Rock and beaming right onto our deck. A sight for sore eyes!