An Epiphany a Day

I’m on the west coast for the next few days attending a course given by the Gros Morne Institute for Sustainable Tourism. Today was the first full day of activities and already I’ve been blow away – so many epiphanies in so little time! I’m learning how to give guests an experience, not just a room. It is not just about taking business and commodification but about creating value and helping our guests to feel part of something – ‘Ah Ha’ moments all around.

Being an entrepreneur by nature, my mind was opened today to the many, many ways we can incorporate the wonder of the people we have met and the places we have been on the Baccalieu Trail to give our guests special memories they can carry with them always and share with their friends – and we’ll find ourselves and our community enriched in the process. A win-win if ever there was one!

I can’t wait for the next two days and what they will deliver. Then it is back to WWW (the Wonderful World of Whiteway) to put together a plan of implementation.

Bringing out our inner children, playing with sea creatures at the marine centre. This is a sea mouse.

Shed party (a Newfoundland tradition) with Daniel Payne, a real treat. This guy is an awesome entertainer – please check him out!

Locals cook us moose stew and seafood chowder ….. and a most wonderful dinner with the chef incorporating us into the meal!

And all the while surrounded by such lovely vistas. What a spot!