Bogged Down

Since I rarely get the chance to use our ATV these days, I leave it at our Heart’s Delight cottages for guests to use to explore the back country (lots of it out this way). Many have enjoyed it. The most recent, maybe a bit too much – leading to another Ocean Delight adventure (I’m ALMOST getting too old for this!)

So the last person to use the ATV was Sean, visiting from Ontario. He went exploring after a night of heavy rain, and it wasn’t long before the bogs of Newfoundland wrapped themselves around the young man and held on tight.

Sean was alright of course, but what about the ATV? She had to be rescued from her muddy grave, so Sean’s Dad, Wayne, and his relative, Neville, set out with me, Murphy, and some ropes to do the job. We saved the day, and it if it looks like we’re having fun, it’s because we were – boys will be boys! Of course, we never would have managed if Murphy wasn’t there to supervise and bark out orders!