Fall at Hopeall Falls

water fall in newfoundlandHere is Hopeall Falls – one of my favourite places to bring the dogs and to recommend to our guests.  It takes a short 20 minute hike along the river and through the woods to get it,  and it’s spectacular in all regards.

Thanks to our friend Paul Seymour for sharing these pictures that captured the Falls perfectly this fall.  What a place to go and reflect while having a picnic.  It is beautiful all year long and a world class experience. All right here in the Wonderful World of Whiteway!newfoundland

Now That’s a View

View in NewfoundlandYes, I have a now well documented love of sunsets here on this gorgeous island of ours. But trust me – I don’t need the extra fireworks to make the view worth it. Here’s our beautiful view at The Doctor’s House, on a fine, fall afternoon. It’s all I need to see to fall in love with the place all over again. Here’s hoping that you enjoy equally delightful sights on this Sunday.

Sunset Sunday: Purple Show

sunset in NewfoundlandIt’s doesn’t get any better than this. Or more purple, for that matter. This weekend has been busy – the summer season is picking up, and of course we opened the Shag It Cafe on Friday, too. But stopping to enjoy moments like this can make it all worth it. Happy Sunday.


Sunset in NewfoundlandI am a sunset connoisseur, and here in Trinity Bay we have the best sunsets I have ever seen. And I have a secret – sometimes is it not about sun gazing or the incredible afterglows and afterimages.  It is about the reflections and the flow-through.

Like I recently witnessed with this magical sunset and its magnetic afterglow.  Look at how it lights up the orchid and its flowers.  It takes them from beautiful to that higher level of pure radiance.

 Sunsets like this are good for the eyes – and good for the soul. And given that our season at The Doctor’s House officially kicks off tomorrow, we need all the relaxing moments we can get – we’re not going to get many over the next few months!

Peace on Earth

Sunsetting over shag rockIt has been a trying and tragic week for us as Canadians. We’re no more able to make sense of the senseless than anyone else who has tried, and we’re grieving with the rest of the country. We take solace in the peace created on a quiet autumn evening, and in the loved ones around us, and hope our fellow Canadians are able to find that solace, too. God bless.

Fall Rainbow

Tree at The Doctor's House It’s been windy here lately, but the leaves are holding tight. We’re enjoying the fall rainbow, with deep beautiful colours ranging from burgundy to red to gold to yellow to green.  It’s a time of celebration – and not only because today is Laurelyn’s birthday. We have a fun evening planned, of course, and will surely make time to enjoy a quiet sunset, too. We love this magical place.

Fall Colours

fall at the doctor's houseThe fall rainbow is on.  The colours are radiant here in Newfoundland, like nowhere else I have ever seen.  They’re not just colourful – they’re fluorescent and iridescent – it is marvelous  here this time of year.  We just try to hang on as long as we can, dreading the coming of winter but loving its harbinger.

Autumn Love

Fall bushes at the doctor's houseSummer gets all the glory, and certainly there’s nothing like our lush, green gardens all a-bloom. But there’s nothing like the deep fall colours springing to life either. And we’ve just extended our Ladies Retreat Weekend Special through November – meaning, if you’re looking for a restorative getaway this Fall, this is where you want to be.

A Walk to Hopeall Falls

Walking to Hopeall FallsWalking to Hopeall FallsWe recently went for a walk to the wonderful Hopeall Falls, just minutes from here.  The trail is a part of Crout’s Way – the same one John Guy used to travel from Cupids when trading with the Beothucks. According to Gerald Smith, who helped rebuild it, it’s the oldest documented trail in North America – and it ends right in front of The Doctor’s House. It’s special ground, and beautiful, too – and something The Berry and I (not to mention Murphy and Friday!) enjoy whenever we get the chance.

Another Beauty

view of the ocean from our newfoundland hotelIt never gets old! Here’s a beautiful shot of the sun setting over Green’s Harbour. We always recommend that our guests come down to the waterfront at The Doctor’s House. There’s a great view from their rooms, of course, but there’s also nothing like getting up close and personal. Happy Sunday.