Sunset Sunday: Snowy Owl, Again

Snowy Owl at Cape SpearYesterday I shared pictures from new friend and Shag It artist, Leonard Howlett, of a beautiful snowy owl at Cape Spear. This one takes my breath away, so it seemed like a good fit for Sunset Sunday. I hope everyone is enjoying themselves as we gear up for the most wonderful time of the year, and that we all have moments of connecting to nature, even when the weather is fighting against us. God bless.

Sunset Sunday: Peaceful

Sunset in Newfoundland

We had plans to go into St. John’s this weekend, but our work (and, our desire to spend a warm weekend at home) kept us back. Thankfully. Nothing like a sunset in Whiteway to soothe the senses, relax, and provide all the energy we need as we head to the holidays.

We’ll be at the Carboner Mall today from 12-5pm if you’re interested in a gift certificate for The Doctor’s House for your loved ones. Happy Sunday.

A Light Dusting

Cottages for rent in Newfoundland

I hated winter til moving here to the Wonderful World of Whiteway. A light dusting here by the ocean adds unspeakable charm. Now, maybe after a rough winter or a few snowstorms in I’ll feel differently, but The Berry and I spent this past weekend cozied up in one of our Heart’s Delight cottages, and it was heartwarming and so re-energizing. We went on a hike with the goldens, watched Christmas movies, drank hot chocolate, and didn’t talk about work once. Good for the soul. Now I can’t wait for Christmas!The loon, our cottage for rent in Newfoundland

Tuesdays with Murphy: Hiking with Friday

Hiking with Golden Retrievers in NewfoundlandDays like we had this weekend, I like to count my four-legged blessings. Friday and I took Jerry and The Berry on a nice long hike in the freshly fallen snow and beautiful winter sunshine. Then we all relaxed with Christmas music and Christmas movies at our cottages in Long Point Cove. I can see why our BOGO offer is booking up quickly – what a wonderful way to create some special memories with your loved ones during the holiday season.

Thankfully, even since Friday’s been welcomed into the Ocean Delight family, our circle of loved ones continues to grow. It is so much fun to finally have another four-legged as we bound the trails! (And remember, if you’re interested in the BOGO yourself, you only have til tomorrow to make your reservation!).Hiking with golden retrievers in Newfoundland

Sunset Sunday: Thanks Again, Bud

Newfoundland photographyThis blog really wouldn’t be what it is without our friend Bud Vincent sharing so many of his pictures with us. He’s an amazing photographer, and his work showcases the beauty and brilliance of this province in a way I never could. I love sunsets – they’re my muse – and I love sharing pictures of them. But never have I seen one captured so brilliantly as above. So here’s a question: anyone know where this image was taken?

Sunset Sunday: After the Storm

After a wind storm in newfoundlandWe’ve all had some wet and wild weather in this province lately. When this peaceful evening is the end result, it all seems worth it. Here at Ocean Delight, I’m continually reminded how lucky Laurelyn and I are to be here. It’s hard work, but it’s worth it.

Sunset Sunday: After the Storm

Sunset in Newfoundland

We’ve had some wet and wild weather lately. I love a good storm. Partly because of the calm that spreads over the land after. Like it did when I captured this picture on Friday. Lucky us in Newfoundland.

Yesterday was a good day at the opening of The Ivory Suite (we donated a door prize). We’re also enjoying ramping up our dining offerings at The Doctor’s House. And I’m sure tomorrow you’ll take a moment as I will to remember all the sacrifices of so many, and how lucky we are to live in this beautiful, free country. God bless.

Autumn of the Year

Autumn in NewfoundlandIt’s the fall of the year, and I’m sharing this beautiful picture from Newfoundland photographer, Bud Vincent, to remind us to stop and, well, if not smell the roses, then appreciate the leaves. There’s beauty all around us, not just but especially in the Wonderful World of Whiteway, too. As it gets colder and the nights get longer, we’ve also been quite busy. So we’ve decided to cut back on the Shag It – we’ll now only be opening for private functions and group reservations. But The Doctor’s House is now fully licensed, and open for dinner reservations each weekend. Proving that when one door closes, a window opens. We hope you’ll join us there.